Aayaat for shifa

Aayat for shifaa

Q: I want to know any zikr for my 9 year old daughter, she's falling sick every month since 1.5 year. I am not able to find any proper treatment. It is like wheezing. Please request for dua for her good health and recovery. She lost her father as well last year.

Amal to treat navel displacement

Q: There's a certain amal for the treatment of navel displacement. The amal is as follows:

2 rakaats nafl salaah; 100 times Durood Shareef; 100 times Surah Fatiha; 100 times Durood Shareef.

After 2 rakaats, one should continue sitting on the musalla and recite the above. This amal should be carried out on an auspicious night. It is said to be effective if one yawns during the amal.

Also, this is to be able to treat others. So for example if someone's navel is displaced, then they would contact you. You will then recite Durood Shareef, Surah Fatiha, Durood Shareef a certain number of times. If you yawn during the reading then the persons navel has been displaced and you will read for them until they feel relief.

My concern is that generally we are discouraged from yawning. Can this amal be practiced?

Wazifa for shifa

Q: My mother is suffering from end stage renal disease (kidney failure). She is 58 years old. Doctors dont want to start dialysis as they said that there is a chance the kidney will start little work. Please give any dua for kidney improvement?