
Building mazaars

Q: The following verse from Surah Kahf which is verse 21 ,The English translation is as follows : "And thus We made their case known, that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour. (Remember) when they (the people) disputed among themselves about their case, they said: "Construct a building over them; their Lord knows best about them," (then) those who won their point said: "We verily, shall build a mosque over them."

The barelvi Sect believe that this verse makes building a mazaar shareef permissible in Islam. I am no scholar of deen so I want to know your views on this ayaat and the barelvi sect use of it. Looking forward to your response inshallah

Shared waleemah

Q: I have an important concern in which I need a clarification from you please. I will explain you the scenario first for your understanding. Two Nikaahs. The first one is mine, the Nikkah is completely based on Sunnah which is insha Allah will be very simple and with proper mahar, this nikkah commences on the first day night of the second nikkah which is going to happen on the second day noon. The second day nikkah is for my sister. This nikaah is also with proper mahar and no dowry, but this Nikaah is done based on the traditions that take place in our place with Kuthbas and fatiha by the imaams and they recite Alli kuth bainama in the kuthba which here local scholars confirming this as bida'h. So on this second day my sisters husband is arranging a waleema in which he does not collect single penny from his wife's family. My question is can I Share my waleema with him? I mean, I need to give waleema right? Can me and my sister's husband share financially and give waleema to our family and relatives. Is this bida'h? Please I need your valuable input based on Shariah Sheik.

Ta'ziyah (sharing condolences with the bereaved)

Q: My uncle passed away few months ago and I would like to know after burial what needs to be done. Some people have gathering at home for 3 days and some people have gathering for 13 days and some people have gathering for 40 days could you please tell me which group is correct. Also people have told us to have a special dua on 40 days then on 6 months of the death and the last one at 1 year after the death. Can you please tell us what is the correct thing to do?