
Different pronunciations in the istikhaara dua

Q: In Istikhara dua in some books it says Faqdirhuli and waqdir liyal Khair with a kasra (zer) under the daal, in other books it says Faqdurhuli and waqdur liyal Khair with a dhamma (pesh) on top of the daal, are both correct?

If not, which one is correct, daal with a dhamma or kasra in both places?

Could you please write the whole Istikhara dua with the correct Harkat?

Reciting duas and Quraan in a bathroom without a toilet

Q: A person has a bathroom with a sink, shower, etc. The toilet is enclosed in a shower door type enclosure. So the rest of the bathroom is not considered the toilet. Would it be correct to recite duas etc. there when making wudhu? Will it be fine to take a Quran inside the bathroom, recite Quran there whilst watching children in the bath? Not in the toilet, but in the rest of the bathroom.

Reciting durood without wudhu


1. Can I recite durood without wudhu or I've been doing a sin?

2. Which durood should I recite before I sleep because I only recite Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam or Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi Wasallam and I drink milk every night.

3. I know Rasululllah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) taught us a du'a after drinking milk. Can you please teach me that dua'a.