Changing one's father's name
Q: I'm staying in South Africa. Can I change my father's name just for making papers in South Africa?
Q: I'm staying in South Africa. Can I change my father's name just for making papers in South Africa?
Q: Does a father have a right over his child born out of wedlock? Are children born out of wedlock attributed to the father in Islam?
Q: I am 60 years old and I just learned that my father was not my biological father. My mother is still alive and never told this to me. I learned about it this week from my sister. Should I ask my mother about. The man who I thought was my dad died many years ago. I love my mother and have a very good relationship with her. Please advise what steps I should take.
Q: I am A male. my mum and dad divorced when I was 2 years old. my mum changed my surname to her surname after her divorce. I saw my dad maybe 2 times in my life. I am married and have kids and they taken my surname which was my mum's and not my dad's. Is this wrong or haraam?
Q: I am married and by mistake had an affair with a guy. Now I am pregnant and that guy forces me to continue the relationship otherwise he will claim for that baby from me. Please tell me what should I do now. Here I need to clear that I am not sure that the baby is from that guy or from my husband. I seek forgivness of Allah for the sin and I pray to Allah that the baby belongs to my husband. Please help me in this issue.
Q: If a person married his mahram and children were then born from this relationship, will the nasab (lineage) of the children be established from the father? Likewise, will the ruling be the same in the situation where a person married a woman who was haraam upon him because of hurmat-e-musaaharah, ridaa'at, etc. Also, can mufti saheb please explain if there is any difference in the ruling if the husband knew that she was haraam or didn't know?
Q: My father is a Muslim from Bangladesh and my mother was a Hindu from India. Now she is a Muslim. They were in a relationship like boyfriend/girlfriend in 1992. That time my mother got pregnant by my father before marriage. Then I was born. My mother escaped with my father and left her own country, family and converted to Islam. Finally they got married in an Islamic way when I was 4 months old. My question is, am I an illegitimate son of my family?
Q: Please could you answer the following question I need the info to settle a dispute. I was taught that when a person gets pregnant out of wedlock and gets married to the person the child is still considered illegitimate if born fewer than 6 months after the marriage. My sister-in-law says that if the mother has 7 children altogether that it will then make the first born halal. Could this possibly be true? I battle to grasp the logic. Please help.
Q: My big brother passed away. I adopted his son. Can I use my name as his father as the child does not know about my big brother he only know that I am his father?
Q: We had an affair and had an illegitimate daughter from that affair. After that we got married. Now my daughter is 20 years old. She does not know anything about this and she is going to marry soon. My question is can I be the Wali (guardian) to my daughter? If not who can be the Wali?