Taubah and Repentance

Tawbah for committing zina

Q: I have a friend who has commited a sin. He had sex with a prostitute. He is very sorry and disappointed for what he has done. I am very tensed to see him that much disappointed. On his behalf, I want to ask if there is any forgiveness for that sin for him? If there is any, what is tha kafara for him?

Punishment for zina

Q: I did zina and prayed for forgiveness from true heart. I don't have inner satisfaction. I live in Pakistan where Islamic punishments are not enforced, how can I get the punishment of 80 lashes other then that can I explain the topic zina to my family? 

Sincere tawbah

Q: I have a friend who entered an unlawful relationship about 7 months ago. She ended the relationship after two months due to the guilt. She feels very impure and cries a lot about her sin. She claims to believe in Allah's forgiveness, but is unable to bear herself. She breaks down a lot and feels like she is no longer a good and pure woman. She also feels like it is wrong to put it behind her. Is it possible that Allah has wiped away her sin and purified her?

Asking for forgiveness

Q: I am trying to not to do sin. I am trying to get better but sometimes when I try to repent and cry over my sins I feel that I don't have any sin to cry on but I know I am not innocent and I do many sins every now and then. Please give me some advice to repent sincerely and to have great taqwa.

Taubah after drug abuse

Q: I have committed a great sin. I have taken cocaine, I have drank alcohol and I have smoked marijuana. I regret this immensely. I never want to do it again. I need Allahs help and forgiveness. Can you give me some advice and guidance please.

Asking for forgiveness

Q: Two days ago I quarreled with my cousin and we both hit each other but after quarreling I realized that I did a very bad thing and next day I went to him for forgiveness and I fell down at his feet and I asked him to forgive me but he is not ready to forgive me at any cost, even though I fell down at his feet and asked him for forgiveness. Kindly guide me what I have to do. I am very guilty but my cousin is not forgiving me. Kindly help me. I am very depressed.


Q: There is a person who is unfortunately involved in adultery for quite some time as due to lack of proper knowledge of Islam and its rulings on it, but now since that person has become aware of Islam and its punishment for adultery wants to sincerely repent to Allah. There are two questions:

1. How to get rid of the other person with whom adultery has been done since the other person does not want to stop doing it.

2. Powerful dua to ask Allah for forgiveness.