Beards and Moustache

Using beard growing oil

Q: My question is regarding beard transplantation. I’m almost 26, I don’t have a beard on my face, just a little under my chin. I have desire to grow a beard and In Sha Allah grow a healthy beard according to the sunnah in the next few years. Is it allowed to go for a beard transplantation or use any beard growing oil on face? Will it be against the creation of Allah?

Keeping a beard more than a fist length

Q: My question is regarding cutting beard when it reaches length of one fist.

I have noticed there are scholars who say one should leave the beard and not cut it at all because there is no proper evidence. They say that the hadith of Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) tells about cutting the beard during hajj or umrah only. So that means that we cannot cut the beard during any other time. They also say that according to one hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu), Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said to cut the beard and leave the beard, i.e. don't touch the beard.

While there are scholars who say that Imam Ahmed (rahimahullah) used to cut the beard when it reached the length of one fist and also gives proof of other righteous predecessors. So, is there any evidence that Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) used to cut his beard other than hajj or umrah and other Taabioon or 4 great Imaams did it? 

Sin for not keeping a beard

Q: What if a guy is not keeping his beard out of fear for people that what will they say? Is he doing shirk or kufar or some sin? I'm aware that not keeping a beard is a sin, that's what i heard. But I want to know if a person does not do something because of fear for people which he should be doing, is it's a sin, kufar, shirk?

Growing a beard

Q: I want to grow a beard but my mother is telling me to only grow my beard after marriage. I live in India and there is a lot of difficulty in finding a girl if someone has a beard. I want to get married as soon as possible because there is a lot of fitna and temptation here.

Keeping a beard


1. Can I know any authentic hadith and examples other than that of Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) of cutting a fistful of the beard?

2. When we say cut a fistful of the beard (exceeding one fist), from where do we take 1 fist? How do we know this? Is there any authentic source which mentions that one fist is from the chin or do we just assume it?