Male removing his unibro
Q: Can a male remove his unibro?
Q: Can a male remove his unibro?
Q: Is it permissible for a female to remove facial hair with a blade/shaver etc.?
Q: Can a man cut long hairs of eye brows?
Q: Is threading the upper lip haraam in Islam for girls?
Q: Can a woman go for permanent body hair removal using laser theraphy? This process destroys the hair follicles. Is this allowed in Islam?
1) Is it permissible for an unmarried girl to neaten the eyebrows (i.e. remove the stray hairs that are above the eyes and above nose area)?
2) Is it permissible to tint the eyelashes? (Black)
3) Is wudhu valid if someone has dirt or normal food particles (excluding dough) under the nails?
4) Is wudhu valid if after completing wudhu, the residue caused by water discharge from the eyes remain? (Like the discharge around the eyes when one wakes up from a sleep)
5) Is it permissible to use snail cream/ products on one’s body?
6) Is wudhu valid if there is glitter on the wudhu parts that remain even after completing wudhu i.e the glitter that comes on a person from clothing, carpet etc?
7) Can a person read salaah whilst azaan is being called?
1. Is it permissible for a wife to remove the hair of her eyebrows for her husband so that her husband does not find her unattractive.
2. Is it permissible for a husband to remove the hair of his eyebrows for his wife so that his wife does not find him unattractive.
Q: When removing unibrow, how far back can it be removed? Should it be removed just until it doesn’t cover the top of the nose or can it be removed till it’s at the top of the corner of the eyes?
Q: Is it permissible to remove facial hair (except eyebrow hair) that are on the sides of face under the sideburn?
Q: Is it allowed to pluck the extra hairs on the eyebrows if a woman has broad and irregular eyebrows. She is not doing it to keep thin the eyebrows. It is only to look good for her husband.