Investigating the halaal status of body lotions
Q: Is it necessary to investigate about halaal status of hand and body lotion?
Q: Is it necessary to investigate about halaal status of hand and body lotion?
Q: Can we use lip balms that contain alcohol which aren’t from grape or date derivative? Because there is a possibility of swallowing the lip balm.
And can we read prayer whilst wearing it?
Q: I have bought a natural body wash and cream product and noticed afterwards that it contains ethanol. Is it permissible to use? If not, should I discard or give it to a non-muslim?
Q: Is ponds mosturising cream halal because it contains cetearyl alcohol?
Q: Is it permissible for a male to use strawberry body butter body cream?
Q: I have purchased a body lotion of a reputed company which contains alcohol. I want to know whether I can apply it to my body during the winter season?
Q: The Listerine mouthwash that has alcohol in it, is it permissible to use and if you swallow some by mistake is it the same as consuming alcohol and do you get a sin.
Q: I have brought home a mouth wash. I used it today in the morning then I read at the back that one of the ingredients to make mouth wash is alcohol. These days every medicinal syrup uses alcohol as one of its ingredients. Should I use this mouth wash or throw it away?
Q: Is OxeDerm Body care spray allowed to be used in Islam? OxeDerm Body care spray is used to treat acne on the back but it contains ethyl alcohol, so is it allowed to be used?
Q: I want to know if the use of hair relaxer is allowed in Islam. Most responses I have seen are confusing and I don't want to make a mistake.