Listening to and singing songs without music
Q: Can I listen to songs without music and can I sing songs without music?
Q: Can I listen to songs without music and can I sing songs without music?
Q: I would like to know if listening to Iranian songs like Ya Mahdi and salaam farmonde are allowed in shariah?
Q: I was in the UK and a church bell rang for a while as I stood there.
- I am not sure if the church bell is music or not. Should I have plugged my ears?
- Is it true that our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned bells are Satanic?
- If so, what is the shar’ie ruling for using bells?
Q: Is it permissible to listen to:
1. A song sung by a kafir which has no evil connotations and there is no music at all.
2. A nazam or naat that has no music but tune and rythm is taken from a musical song.
3. The non musical version of a nazam or naat i.e. the vocals only.
Q: Certain phones have ringtones which have a tune.
1. Is this considered as music and hence haram? Some are a basic tune e.g. the Nokia tune, the Samsung whistle tune.
2. If the phone is very basic and does not have any other options for ringtone apart from the musical tone, what should one do?
Q: Is it permissible to take out the musical instruments from a song then listen to it?
Q: Can I play musical instruments, like the ukelele?
Q: If someone accidentally hears music being played, will one get a sin if he does not block his ears? I think it will seem awkward to non-muslims if one block their ears.
Q: I wanted to know whether it is permissible for a girls madressah to have jalsa when the girls graduate in their final year. The jalsah will consist of a nasheed sang by the girls, a play, a qiraat read etc.
Q: Is listening to tunes/tones (piano/flutes etc.) which doesn't include singing haraam?