Music, Nasheeds and Nazams

Becoming a singer

Q: I want to ask that is becoming a singer Haram? Let's suppose someone is becoming a Singer so that he/she can have millions/billions of dollars from which he/she can remove poorness from this world and help the needy. Is it haram to listen to Music?


Q: My question is about music because I have been facing a lot of different fatwas and different sheikhs saying different opinions and I am really confused. I have come to you to ask is all types of music haraam because some music is used for nothing but relaxation and not for haraam activities also. Some songs containing music have clean lyrics with no bad words or sayings of love etc and the reason I have come to ask is that because I post videos in the internet that get thousands of views and I use clean music or song that doesn't encourage any bad or sexual activities and making money of entertainment. So if the music or beat doesn't encourage you to do anything haram, is it still not permissible because I am afraid of the money I am getting to be haraam.