Authentic & Unauthentic Islamic Books

Is it permissible to quote and rely upon information found in Shia kitaabs?

Q: I recently received e-mails and other whatsapp messages which claim that some years after Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu) was killed, the Shia of Kufah came out seeking revenge for his death. Apparently, the leader of these Shias was Sulaimaan bin Surad, and they were named ‘Tawwaaboon’ (the repentant ones). They fought against Ubaidullah bin Ziyaad and most of them, including their leader, Sulaimaan bin Surad, were killed in this battle. The information quoted in these messages has been taken from kitaabs of the Shia. Is this information correct, and is it correct to quote from the kitaabs of the Shia?

Hakikat Kitabevi Publications Istanbul

Q: I read "The Sunni Path", "Endless Bliss", etc. published by Hakikat Kitabevi Publication, Istanbul, Turkey up load by website

All information so far in my knowledge are within the Sunni creed & strongly emphasized to the Tasawwuf. But I am astonished that the "TABLIGH-I-Jamaat" of India is termed as heretic instituition & MAWLANA ASRAF ALI THANAWI, the writer of the "Heavanly Ornament" is also noted as Bedd`ti (heresy) while most of the Indian sub-continent Sunni accept the "Jamaat" and considered it Mujaddid wa munawwir alf-i-thani as the true Islamic reformer respectively.

What is your opinion in the light of "The Holy Qur`an & Hadith" ? Should we, religiously ignorant, not read the books published by its producer "HUSEYN HILMI ISIK"?

Behishti zewar

Q: Is there any comprehensive book for women in English? Like in Urdu We have *Tauhfa Khawateen* by Moulana Ashiq Ilahi Buland Shahri. Kindly Guide me about the Author & the Book in English.