Vitamin D sourced from lanolin
Q: Is eating Vitamin D sourced from lanolin halaal?
Q: Is eating Vitamin D sourced from lanolin halaal?
Q: I try to feed my family healthy with treats occasionally, but I have to force them to eat their veggies etc. My son sneaks to make savories or sweets/crisps or he will just not eat at all. He told me that I must remember sickness comes from ALLAH even if he eats these things.
Is this acceptable that I'm doing this or should I be more lax in this regard as long as they are eating halaal? He is 11 years old doing hifz.
Q: Is cream of tartar or tartaric acid derived from wine sources halaal? Does a complete change of substance occur?
Q: There are many different types of vinegar, example, red wine vinegar, spirit vinegar, etc. I don't know how they're made. Can we eat them?
Q: Is it permissible to consume vegetables grown using manure from animals such as pigs.
Q: I suffer from waswasa a lot. I get doubts about all the food items. My parents get angry at me for doubting. Once a doubt comes up, I keep thinking about it and it makes me so anxious. What should I do? Some food like bread don't have any ingredients written over it. What should be done in such a case?
Q: Is it permissible to eat domestic rabbits?
Q: I would like to ask if there is any fiqh ruling that prohibits or does not recommend one to combine fish with milk during eating.
Q: Is it permissible to eat food or sweets that have pictures of animate objects on them?
Q: While grinding, I grinded a short hair like that of an eyebrow with the food, can I eat this grinded food?