Halaal Food & Drinks

Eating halaal and wholesome food

Q: I try to feed my family healthy with treats occasionally, but I have to force them to eat their veggies etc. My son sneaks to make savories or sweets/crisps or he will just not eat at all. He told me that I must remember sickness comes from ALLAH even if he eats these things.

Is this acceptable that I'm doing this or should I be more lax in this regard as long as they are eating halaal? He is 11 years old doing hifz.

Eating vegetables that are not washed and eating from utensils that are not washed

Q: What is the ruling for the following:

1. If someone cooked veges without washing them (veges might have some dirt like on it) and eatimg them, would this be halal?

2. If someone does not wash the cooking utensils and cooks in this way, would consuming the food prepared in those unwashed utensils be halal?

3. If roti is prepared on a 'tawa' which releases some of its black particles, when roti is heated over it, the black particles stick on the roti, will consuming the roti with those tawa black particles halal?