
Doubts on making incorrect Duas

Q: I have doubts if I actually said any incorrect duas. I do not know if it was spoken or just in my mind. Some of these doubts could be because it was not recent and I was not aware of the whispers of the devil. If you tell me to ignore these, will they affect me in jannah if they were actually said or dua was made?

NB : They were in the mind

Lady making dua in congregation

Q: If one pious lady (mother-in-law) makes Ijtima'i Dua (group of people, only for her family) and others (Daughters, Son, Daughter-in-law and Son-in-law) said “Ameen”.  This scenario is happened due to son-in-low bought a new flat and mother-in-law make Dua for Barka. Because Women is not allowed to make as leader any program in Islamic Sharia.