Dua to protect oneself from someone who threatens to take one's life
Q: Is there a dua to protect yourself from someone who threatens to take your life?
Q: Is there a dua to protect yourself from someone who threatens to take your life?
Q: I have heard that Hazrat Aasiyah (radhiyallahu anha) will be among the wives of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in Jannah, but I do not know whether this is true or not. Can I make dua to Allah Ta'ala to make me the husband of Hazrat Aasiyah (radhiyallahu anha) in Jannah?
Q: Can dua qunoot be recited anytime after or before any prayers or reciting of Quran Shareef or it is only restricted to witr prayers?
Q: I am the eldest child of my family (a male), and have 4 younger sisters Alhamdulilah. I am also Alhamdulilah married and have 2 children (1 boy and 1 girl). However, when I was younger I always wanted to have brothers but never did.
Is it permissible to pray to Allah Ta'ala for Him to bless me with more son’s or only sons if I have future children inshaAllah? Before my daughter was born, I made a lot of dua to Allah Ta'ala to bless me with another son but I was still very happy Alhamdulilah to be blessed with a daughter. But I would really want my other children to be sons InshaAllah. Please advise what I should do?
Q: What is the virtue for reciting the compilation of the 40 rabbana?
Q: Is it advisable to say "thumma ameen". Is there any significance in saying thumma with Aameen?
Q: What is the ism-e-azam and in which kitaab is it mentioned?
Q: Is it permissible to make loud congregational dua after a programme (eg. Zikr, Bayaan, etc.)?
Q: There was one sahabi who was a jew before, most probably Abdullah ibn Salaam or Kaab Ahbar (ra), who said if I did not read this particular dua, the jews would turn me into a donkey. Which dua is it?
Q: Is it possible to have a burglary after reading all the protection duas. How do you explain this?