Doubtful Foods & Drinks

Carmanic acid

Q: Is it allowed for a Muslim to eat a product that has Carmanic Acid, which is made from insect. If it is Halal, then majority of the food have some sort of insect in them (tiny amount), would that be considered non Halal to them?

Abstaining from doubtful things

Q: My mother had gotten a pancake mix from the market. I asked the company about its ingredients, they said they had used animal derived products in it (the product came from the US). I'm not sure what kind of animal products are in there. I told my mother to stop using it because it is hughly suspicious since it could be haram. Now my mother always scolds me that I should not be so suspicious of haram things and she refuses to stop using it because she says I'm exaggerating things. What should i do?


Q: Can we consume the ingredient e904 known as shellac, which is a secretion of a bug. Some Ulama say that it is permissible just like how honey is a secretion from the bee and is permissible. Please give a satisfactory answer.

Consuming doubtful food


1. Is it true that all food is halaal until it can be proven haraam?

2. There were a few suspicious ingredients in something my mom bought that could've been haraam if processed through animals instead of plants. I chose to eat it since I didn't want to waste food or disrespect my mom by rejecting the food. Was it sinful for me to consume the doubtful food?

3. Does the hadith of not having my dua accepted for 40 days for consuming haraam food also apply here even if my dua is of repentance?

Staying away from doubtful meat

Q: I would like to enquire whether we can trust MJC and NIHT. Reason being there seems to be a lot of doubt with these as compared to SANHA. It makes me wonder how all the meat supplied to Mc Donalds and KFC can be halaal as there is a lot of animals that would be slaughtered and to slaughter an animal in compliance with shariah takes more time and care so how do we know that these animals are being slaughtered accordingly?

Consuming soda drinks

Q: I just found out that most sodas contain some alcohol. The company for Canada Dry said "the amounts are very slight, but still present." Now these sodas with the same brand are being sold in Muslim countries so I'm assuming 0.0071% alcohol (the amount in a Fanta orange soda) in a drink is permissible. But just to be sure, is it really halal or is that a matter of debate?


Q: Recently, I found out that it is likely that most cheeses in fritolay snacks contain rennet from animals slaughtered in a haram manner. Does that make the cheese haram too? I'm confused about this because I used to get those snacks in the masjid when I was younger.

Leaving out things that one is unclear of

Q: Some one sends through WhatsApp messages saying chicken (in a Muslim country ) is not halal by forwarding some videos where we can actually see chicken getting processed by a machine. The authorities in the Muslim country are acknowledging that they are seeing it to that the things for the public are halal and not importing the haram chikcen and meat etc. One of my friends stopped eating chicken after seeing the WhatsApp.

My question is whom to believe? Do we have to believe the WhatsApp video or the authorities who are taking responsibility of halal produsts. If we believe WhatsApp then tomorrow other videos will declare meat as haram, please advise.