
Zikr in a gathering

Q: I have a question regarding Halqah Thikr and loud congregational thikr. Recently I have heard reports from many Ulama that this action is not an ibadah but a bid'ah. They cite the incident of Abdullah ibn Masud (RadhiAllahu Anhu) and the dhikr majlis (which I'm sure Mufti Saheb is familiar with) as proof for their claim. Is this claim true? That the Halqah Thikr is a bid'ah.

Proof of reciting prescribed azkaar by the Mashaayikh

Q: There are some specific prescribed Zikr by the Ulema and Mashaykh which are called "Wazifa". These are certain Azkaar of reading a Dua, or Ayah of Quran or the names of Allah for a specific number of times in order to achieve something. 

My question is that, do we have evidences from the Quran, Sunnah and the practice of the Salaf on practicing these prescribed Azkaar? Can you please list them in detail with references.

Doing zikr collectively in chorus in the masjid

Q: In our musjid they recite a heart touching zikar after every fajr which goes like 'la Ila ilallah kareemus sataar,la ilah illah wahidul kahaar... they continue chanting different names/powers of Allah SWT in a definite order. I want to memorise it but can't find it on Google or YouTube because I don't know the name of this particular zikr.

Can you please tell me the name of this zikr so I can find this online.