Respect for Deeni Literature

Ordering Islamic books online

Q: Is it permissible to order Islamic books online and have them delivered through shipping, even though the books contain aayaat (and some are tafseers and translations) and one knows that the shipping process is quite rough? Realistically, the packages will be thrown around, placed on the ground, will have other goods placed upon it, might even get stepped on, etc. before it gets to the destination. Am I allowed to order?

Discarding or burning papers that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala, etc.


1. How should we discard the papers/school books/note books having words written like Allah, Allah's names or ayahs etc.?

2. Which words need to be given respect and removed from before throwing away the books? Are the words Quran, Rasool, Nabi, Muhammad or any Surah's name to be discarded with respect?

3. If we burn them, can the ash be thrown anywhere?

Burying an old frame

Q: I have a wall frame with Arabic surah written in it and it has gone really old it is beyond repair and can not give it to anyone if I do the other person will not hang it on a wall in his house. How can I dispose of the frame?

Burying Islamic literature

Q: With regards to Islamic literature, for example letters and leaflets that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala and the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), how are they to be disposed of? Is it correct to wipe away/erase those names and then dispose of the letters in the bin, or must they be burned?

Items on which the name of Allah Ta'ala or Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is written

Q: I have a question. There are many things on which Allah and Muhammad is written like papers etc. I got a laptop from PM Scholarship program. On it's screen there is written Mohammad ___________ . As it contains a the Holy word "Mohammad", I feel that it is disrespectful to put that laptop down on ground level or under the level of peoples feet. Sometimes it is really difficult to do this. There are many papers on which "Allah" and "Muhammad" is written, I wanted to ask what is the sanctity of all these things. Also can we put it on the ground? (Because it is people's foot level) Please answer.