Building a house in the month of Safar
Q: I want to ask that is it ok to start construction of a house in the month of Safar?
Q: I want to ask that is it ok to start construction of a house in the month of Safar?
Q: Our neighbour has a mango tree whose branches come over our wall. Daily mangoes fall in our yard. Do these mangoes belong to us or the neighbour?
Q: If a person refers to a Mufti for a ruling and the Mufti errs in issuing the ruling, what should one do?
Q: What is the ruling on people who are capable of speaking Arabic, speaking in languages other than Arabic with one another? For example, `Ulama speaking in Urdu with one another, or English, instead of Arabic? I have come across certain narration from Hadhrat Umar ibn al-Khattaab رضي الله عنه as well as some other Sahaabah, in which they discouraged people from speaking in a language other than Arabic. There is also a Riwaayat which states that whosoever is capable of speaking in Arabic should not speak in non-Arabic for that causes Nifaaq. It is also mentioned that Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمة الله عليه regarded it as Makrooh for a person to use non-Arabic words to describe the days and months, etc. Taking all of this into consideration, Mufti Saheb, what is the ruling on people learning and speaking languages such as Urdu, Gujarati, Farsi, English, etc. rather than Arabic? Is it permissible to do so? And if it is permissible, is there Karaahiyat in doing so?
Q: I just need to ask you about something and that is I have found out that most of the Muslim countries are secular muslim countries and its government are secular government. I just want to ask can we call those countries and its people muslim countries and are we as muslims allowed to make the countries into muslim countries and muslim state or khalifa and make the law into sharia law and are we allowed to over throw the government and make it into muslim government and make the law into Sharia law? I have found out that the people in those muslim secular countries and its secular government that they are muslim but do we call them muslim people and muslim countries or what do we do and what do we call them?
Q: I heard one Aalim talking about shaitaan interfering with two friends close relationship because of the committing of sins on one of the parties part. Can you please give me some information regarding this please?
Q: I am a medical student, and as with many of us, dissection is an area that seems to be unclear. You have clearly stated that dissection should be avoided. Other research on the Internet (which is not always a reliable source) has shown that many fataawa have been passed in favour of dissection, with no clear proofs presented. My heart does not feel peace in this. Please can I have some direction, with clear reference/proofs to/from Quran
and Sunnah, on how I should reconcile my position. I wish to be a doctor some day InshaAllah, but I do not wish to earn Allah's displeasure.
Q: Is the following true?
The forgotten Sunnah
It is Sunnah for one to burn Lobaan, Incense sticks and other fragrances. There are many virtues of burning Bakhoor and other fragrances mentioned in the Hadeeth. Hadhrat Ibn Umar (r.a) used to burn pure Oudh and camphor mixed with Oudhas incense fragrance. He said “Likewise, Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) used to burn incense.” (Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth #2254) Hadhrat Umm Qais Bint Mihsan(r.a) narrates that “I heard Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi waSallam) saying, "Treat with the Indian incense, for it has healing for seven diseases; it is to be sniffed by one having throat trouble, and to be put into one side of the mouth of one suffering from pleurisy.” (Saheeh al-Bukhari, Hadeeth # 5368, Kitab al-Tibb)
1. How many major sins are there?
2. How many minor sins are there?
3. What is the difference between Haraam, Gunah, Najaiz?
4. How many Faraaiz (compulsory like Imaan, Namaz, etc.) are there in Islam?
Q: Is it haram to take water from a girl who does not wear bangles?