Difference between tests and punishments
Q: How do you know if your problems and failures in life are tests or punishment? Can you tell difference between tests and punishment in life?
Q: How do you know if your problems and failures in life are tests or punishment? Can you tell difference between tests and punishment in life?
Q: I have been affected by ocd for 6 years. I'm tired of it. I lost all hope in life. Is there any cure for it in Islam?
Q: I need advice for my friend whose sister ran away from home and got married. How should my friend face social pressure? He is very worried. I am afraid that he will commit suicide.
Q: I am currently trying to start a movement to utilize technology and economics to serve Islam and the creation. Could you please help me in this by providing the fundamental view of Islam on Science and Technology, based on which I can build my project? Below I have written what Allah has made me understand till now:
Science is an effort to form laws which can explain the way the world around us operates and why it does so without considering the actions of Allah. Science is a search for asbaab which is false, useless, has failed miserably and also it leads us away from the yaqeen in Allah. It is very similar to the philosophy of the past. Just like Imam Ghazali destroyed philosophy we need to destroy science.
Technology (in today’s world) is the creation of new ways and means to increase the luxury and enjoyment of the dunya. The blind rush after technology is very dangerous and has lead to this utter destruction all over earth. It fools us by making us think that it will make life easier for us, but in reality, life is getting tighter and tighter. It is similar to building large houses, pursuit after the dunya etc which were discouraged by the Sahaabah.
The actual solution for all the problems created by technology is to leave all technology and go back to the way people lived during the time of the Prophet and 1300 years after him. But, most of the people will not accept this solution. Hence, the only possible way for us is to try to fight against these evils of technology by creating other good technologies, (like the way we are asked to in Quran 8:60, Hadith on virtues of growing horse, making arrows etc, Sahaba using their new ideas and technologies for Jihad, digging of trench in Ahzab war, building of ships by Muawiyah (rad), the strategies of Khalid bin walid (rad)).
Although we may attempt to solve the problems of the world by creating new technology, we should always keep in mind that it is not going to provide ultimate solution to the problems. Even the ‘good’ technology may have some bad effects and can be used in bad ways by selfish individuals. Thus, in the long run creation of more technology will not solve the issues.
The real solution lies in Zuhd. Most of the issues occur due to the overuse of resources and the blind rush after the Dunya. If we control our desires and live with minimal consumption all these problems will be solved. We need to understand this properly and keep it in our mind so that if we reach such a stage where we have authority over the whole earth we should implement laws force people to adopt zuhd, to stop the development of technology and use that time instead in the Ibaada of Allah. (like the rule of Umar (rad)).
Could you please verify whether what I have understood is right or not?
Please help me in this as the youth are getting very interested in my project. If you Islamic Scholars do not help us it is highly possible that we will go astray and work for wrong aims.
Q: My senior officer called me after work hours and told me to do office work. After some days he even took away my vacation days and started to punish me. Is this also a punishment from Allah?
Q: I was in love with a guy about 8 years ago. We were in a relationship for 4 years and then when we broke up, me and my family left UAE and came to Japan. The reason I broke up with him was that my cousin told my mom that your daughter is in love with someone so my mom said a lot of bad words to me.
After that everything changed in my life. I left that guy because I didn’t want to hurt my mom. I promise that I never met my that guy. I only chatted with him. But now my mom and dad hate me alot. It has been 4 years since we came to Japan and my dad never talks to me nicely. My mom says that I am napak. I swear I have never done anything wrong with him. I know my limits. I told my mom that we can go to a hospital and do a checkup and I can prove that I'm a pure virgin. I'm soo tired I just wanna kill my self. I attempted suicide many times but I always failed. I know its haram in Islam but it hurts me when my mom and dad does this to me.
After we broke up he got married and he is living a happy life with his wife and he has a baby boy. I'm suffering alot. Is there any wazeefa that I can get married or any wazeefa by which my family will understand me?
Q: Is there any punishment or warning mentioned for self harm. e.g. cutting oneself. etc.
Q: Is forecasting (based on previous known data using statistical models to estimate the future figures) stock market, sellings or demands, performance, weather, employment need haraam?
Q: I would like to know what is feminism and how do we protect ourselves from it?
Q: Does blackened eyes, like even eye lids turning black indicate that a person has become more religious?