

Q: I would like to know if some Aalim gave a taweez and said put this in water and drink it and Allah Ta'ala will give you shifa, whether it is allowed in Islam to write taweez. If you can give me a reference from Qur'an or Sunnah about taweez.


Q: I'm currently expecting my fifth baby and I want to know if I obtained a taweez from my local mufti to wear on at the time of labour and child birth, will it be haraam? Will I be committing shirk in any way? An urgent reply will be highly appreciated.

Wearing a taweez

Q: What is the ruling regarding a baby or any person for that matter wearing a Taawiz for protection as well as wearing black beads? Can we not put our faith in Allah by simply reciting the various surahs and duas for protection?



1. I would like to know about the taweez, some taweezes are written in numbers. So what have numbers to do with taweez or naqash?

2. As discussing worldly things in the Masjid is not allowed, so what about if someone put his visit cards of his business in the Musjid to get customers?

3. Does dua make and effect on our destiny. If something is written in our destiny, can dua can change it or not?

Resorting to Taweez in all affairs

Q: There is a developing trait wherein any issue arising in someone's life, people are resorting to Taweez. For example, a child regularly misbehaves or is ill, people are resorting to Taweez, believing that someone has done something to the child. A further example is where couples don't have children or to save oneself from nazar, they are told by family get a Taweez. I recognize that Taweez is permissible but is it correct to utilize it for every perceived or genuine problem with the potential that people subconsciously develop the conviction that Taweez is the remedy for all issues? 

Wearing a taweez

Q: Is it permissible to keep amulets (Taweez). An Imaam gave it to us as we have nazar and other problems. Please let me know if it is a sin to keep amulets which have Quraanic Aayaat?


Q: I am wondering if you can help me please Inshallah. Would you be able to write Surah 12 word for word for me so that I can wear it as a taweez please? Or is it permissable to print it off from the net and wear it?  I have been told that a taweez has to be written with a special black or blue pen on clean paper where dua's and quls are read on the pen before writting. Can you let me know?


Q: A mufti gave me a taweez to burn with numbers written on it. What do you say in this matter?