Boys Names

The name Husain

Q: If you name a child "Husayn", how is it spelt in Arabic: الحسين or حسين. If it is spelt with ال, will it permissible to omit this in speech, i.e. calling him merely "Husayn" instead of "Al-Husayn"?

Good names for a boy

Q: Please suggest me a good Islamic baby boy name as Insha Allah very soon I am going to be a father. The name should be matching with the companions of the prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) or from the Quran with good meaning. Please suggest a very sweet and rarely heard name.

Keeping the name Nasir and Azeem


1. Some people have names like Nasir. It is the name of Allah. Though it is not sifati name of Allah. Is it right to have such names for makhlooq/humans?

2. People use the names like 'Azeem' in urdu to refer qualities of humans. Also they use 'Zabardast' and such words to refer quality of Allah and humans also. Is this right to use these words for humans although these words or their meaning is sifati name of / specific to Allah in Arabic? Or is this 'shirk'?