Keeping the names of angels for one's children
Q: Is it permissible to name children with the names of angels?
Q: Is it permissible to name children with the names of angels?
Q: Is it permissible to name oneself "Al-Mahboob" intending to remind oneself and to proclaim the blessings of Allah (His love for one), without intending to boast or show off?
Q: I read somewhere that Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahimullah) said that it is the mother's right to name the child. Is this right?
Q: I have a 4 year old son. His name is Arham. He continuously becomes ill. Some relative suggested that the name is not appropriate so it should be changed. Can we keep this name or change it?
Q: I want to ask if one can name his son Muhammad Zubair Sahabi or Muhammad Elias Sahabi etc.
Can one keep the title "Sahabi" or can one keep the title as "Sahaba or Sahabah". For examaple Muhammad Ebrahim Sahaba, Muhammad Yousuf Sahabah.
Can this title be for both male and female child?
Q: I want to name my son Muhammad Yoosha Zahran Chowdhury. Is there any problem with this name and are there any negative effects?
Q: Between the mother and father, who's right is it to name the child?
Please advise as to how should we choose a name.
Q: Allah has blessed me with a baby boy. I want to keep his name Muhammad Aadil. Aadil is one of the siffaat of Nabi-e-Kareem Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Is it a good name?
My son is born on Monday afternoon at 3:30 pm. Now I want to calculate the 7th day. If I count Monday then 7th day will fall on Sunday. Is it right? Or I must start counting from Tuesday then 7th day will fall on coming Monday.
Q: I have a question related to my son. He is 3 years old. His name is Mohammad Ali. He is extremely naughty, stubborn and very agressive. I need your advice whether to change his name or not.
Q: Different people, even Arabs, say "Muhammad"differently. I say it as "Muhammd" without the last vowel "a" and sometimes as "Muhammed" in daily life and in prayers (we need to mention the name of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in tashahud and durood after tashahud. I did it in the past as this is how my non-Arabic tongue works. Does it matter for prayer?