
The Law of a Saahib-e-Tarteeb


1. A person missed his Asr Salaah and only found the time to perform the Qadhaa of this Asr, when the time of Maghrib was about to expire. In this situation, if he performs the Qadhaa of Asr first, the Maghrib Salaah will become Qadhaa. Which Salaah should he perform in this time, the Maghrib Salaah or the Qadhaa of the Asr Salaah?

2. If a person missed a Salaah and the time of the next Salaah has now set in, which Salaah should he perform first, the Salaah that he missed or the Salaah of the time that set in?

Saahib-e-tarteeb remembering at the time of Jumuah that he had missed out his fajr Salaah

Q: A person who is "saahibut tarteeb" was sitting in the jumuah bayaan when he realised that he hadn't performed fajr. He then planned that he will read his qada when everyone is reading their sunnats after the bayaan, before the khutba. However he had a dire need to go to the toilet and only returned when the Imaam was on the mimbar and azaan was called. So he sat for the khutba, read jumuah and performed his fajr qada after the jumuah salaah.

  1. Is what he did correct?
  2. If not, what must he do to rectify his actions?

Sahibut Tarteeb

Q: If someone misses for example Fajr and he does not make it up until 11 salaats are passed by i.e. he makes it up two days later after Dhuhr.

How much salaats this person has to make up (and is the order waived or not ?) according to the view of Imaam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf? And what according to Abu Hanifa. And what is the fatwa upon ?

I read that according to Abu Hanifa if one does misses for example Fajr but does not makes it up and prays Dhuhr, then the Dhuhr becomes Mawquf (Muwaqqat) Fasad and if he continues praying upto the next days Dhuhr and thereafter makes qada of Fajr then all the salaahs will become Sahih. And if he makes it up before next days Dhuhr all the salaats will become Fasad.

And according to Imaam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf, only the salaats after the 6th one will become Sahih. The ones before will according to Imaam Muhammad be complete Fasad, and according to Abu Yusuf they will become nafila. It's said in a narration Abu Yusuf is with Imaam Muhammad. Is this all correct ?

The Fasad according to Abu Hanifa if one makes it up before next days Dhuhr (as in the example in the initial post) is this complete Fasad or does it turn into nafila?


Q: Someone missed Dhuhr for a valid reason, then without forgetting he did knowingly not make it up but prayed, Asr, Magrib, Isha+Witr, then next days Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr then Maghrib time entered, then he made his missed Dhuhr up. In this situation all the prayers he has prayed (before making the missed Dhuhr up) are they valid? Also what if he prayed Asr, Maghrib then Isha time entered then he prayed the missed Dhuhr. In this situation are Asr and Maghrib valid?