Giving preference to one Nabi over another Nabi
Q: Is it jaiz to like one prophet over another?
Q: Is it jaiz to like one prophet over another?
Q: Does the crucifixion story have any basis in Islam?
Q: A person I know read some text online, and that person wants to know that every Muslim needs to have the belief that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has more knowledge than Shaytaan.
What should I tell him? Ofcourse he is correct.
Q: Is Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) the naaib of Allah?
Q: Did all Prophets and Messengers (alaihimus salaam) without exception receive wahi?
Q: Is it permissible to converse with Rasulullah ﷺ, share one's thoughts, etc at the Rawdah Mubarak, considering that Nabi ﷺ is hayaat (alive) and will be able to hear one from that vicinity or is it only restricted to salaam and request for intercession?
Q: If someone says that it's not munasib (suitable) to insult so and so person whilst so and so person insulted Hazrat Sayyidul 'Aalam صلى الله عليه وسلم than what would mufti saheb say to such a person? Either to defend the truth or to show him the extreme wrong his doing?
1. Is it correct to say that Nabi Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is alive with his body as his soul has been returned to his body?
2. Is it correct to say that he (صلی الله عليه وسلم) knows everything from Allah about the deeds, intentions and wishes of the people who come to visit him in Ar-Rawdah?
Q: If someone claimed that Nabi Isa (alaihis salaam) was crucified or killed by the Jews or any one else, does the person making the claim commit kufr?
Q: An aalim was trying to emphasise how Allah is free of faults. He said "If you look at Sahaaba, you will find some fault. If you look at Ambiyaa, you will find some fault. But Allah is faultless".
Is it permissible for him to say that there were faults in Ambiyaa?