Forcing someone to commit a sin
Q: If I force someone to do a sin though I consider the sin as haraam, will I be a disbeliever?
Q: If I force someone to do a sin though I consider the sin as haraam, will I be a disbeliever?
Q: If someone exposes his sin to his friend, will he be a disbeliever/kaafir for this act?
Q: I have made some observations in life and I would like to know if I am correct in my wisdom and my guess:
1. Will Allah subhanahu wa taala protect someone who performs his prayer five times a day and protects his heart, eyes, hands, tongue and the area between his legs from zina from financial problems of any kind? As long as he is on this path?
2. Will Allah subhanahu wa taala protect someone from depression as long as he does not commit zina with his heart, eyes, hands, tongue or the area between his legs?
Because anyone with serious financial problems I've met so far, had a girlfriend or committed zina in the past.
Q: Can a minor sin become a major sin in Islam? For example if one does it regularly?
Also, are they 7 major sins or 70 in Islam?