Durood to be read in janaazah salaah
Q: Please let me know about the duroods to be read in the 2nd takbeer of janaazah namaaz.
Q: Please let me know about the duroods to be read in the 2nd takbeer of janaazah namaaz.
Q: Can we read "rabbana hablana min azwajina.....imama" and "rabana aatina fidduniya hasanah......waqina azab-al-meezan" in namaz after durood and before salam?
Q: Is my Salaah valid if I read some other Durood instead of Durood-e-Ibrahim?
Q: Will my Salaah be valid if I omit the dua and end with durood-e-ebrahim?
Q: In namaaz we are reciting durood in which we say Aale Muhammed. What is the meaning of Aale Muhammed. Does it include all wives of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and all daughters and sons and their progeny till today and till the end of the world? Does it also include the progeny of Abbaas (Radiyallahu Anhu) and Ja'far (Radiyallahu Anhu)?
1. If one happens to omits portion of Durood Ibraaheem due to one forgetting it or making a mistake, is the Salaah valid?
2. If one happens to recite Tashahud and one repeats the portion( Ash Hadu...) where the index finger should be raised, perhaps due to getting stuck, should one raised the finger twice?
3. If yes, and it was not raised twice, is the Salaah valid?
4. Whilst in Salaah, during Durood Ibraaheem, one adds the words "Sayyidina" before the words and Names Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) and Ibraaheem (Alayhis Salaam), is the Salaah valid?
Q: Is it necessary to finish reciting durood-e-ebrahim in the last Jalsah if the Imam has already called the final Salaam?
Q: When reading in jamaat for zohr, in the second rakaat in tashahud, I accidently start reading the durood thereafter the imaam stands up to read the third rakaat. Am I required to read sajda sahw when the Imam concludes the prayer?