Hijaab & Purdah

Wearing hijaab when leaving the home

Q: I have started wearing hijab from Baqara Eid of this year. I never thought it would be such a beautiful spiritual experience. I had to do some struggle to start wearing it. Allah's help came in very unexpected way. And he solved all my problems. One thing I can share - Before buying hijab I had one style of hijab in mind. Because of limited cash I got whatever I get with that money. Cloth of my first hijab wasn't good so I returned that to shopkeeper. He brought another hijab for me. And it EXACTLY of same style I had in my mind. When shopkeepers gave me 2nd hijab I didn't realised that it was according to my preference. But when I went to tailor to shorten it's length. He said 2nd hijab is different from 1st hijab so I am charging you more money. Then I realised that I got hijab according to my liking. This made me realise sometimes we forget what we want but Allah don't forgets about our wants. That's was really very amazing. And because of this I become more serious about hijab. My parents don't know about it. And I can't tell them now. So I wear and remove it outside. I wear hijab in a commercial building (in washroom) near my house. It is commercial building so no one particularly notice me because many people come and go. It also crowded (I live in India-Population). So it is also safe for me. On the way to home and till I reach the commercial building I am not in hijab. So is there something wrong about it? I try to not look attractive when I am not in hijab. Like I don't wear earnings, tie my hair up in bun.. I try do my best. Tell me if this wrong. Someone said I am making fun of Islam. And I cant be without hijab once I start wearing it. And please guide me how I can improve. 

Leaving work because of intermingling

Q: I am a tuition teacher of 22 years old. I also maintain purdah. 7 months back I left a tuition because of intermingling. I told them about segragation and I told them to separate my room. They did but maybe they were not happy with me. My conversation was not so much with the male members of the family but I left just for the sake of purdah. They said to me that I cannot do anything in life with this purdah. With a heavy heart I left the tuition. Now I am teaching in my home totaly separate. Am I doing the right thing?

Women remaining within the confines of their homes

Q: I was reading an answer you gave to a lady that asked a question about what is the correct way to spend your day. I felt deeply disappointed with your answer.

How could any female stay at home and cook, clean and look after their children all day everyday? Do you not think that would make her feel depressed and her self esteem would suffer because she is worthless now? That is oppression!

Divorced woman working

Q: My wife's sister's daughter is a divorcee. She has decided to move out from her parents home to live in her own accommodation in another city on the basis that the existing commute to work is too long.

She claims her father is unable to support her financially due to his age & alleged irregular income. She has no male siblings but does have uncles (mahrams). However culturally it is considered below one's dignity to seek financial support from one's uncles. She claims that her case falls within the remit of dharoorah (necessity)

1. Would the concept of dharoorah apply in this situation? Surely if the situation is, as she describes, then she could do jobs from home and place tawwakul on Allah. The little income will be sufficient.

2. The fact that culturally it is considered below one's dignity to seek financial assistance from one's uncles does not necessarily mean that they collectively or individually would refuse to assist. If it were explained to them that they need to save their niece's imaan, surely they would understand.

3. It is only the essential needs of the divorcee that need to be fulfilled, i.e. clothing, food and shelter which is currently being catered for by her parents as has been the case since her divorce.

She will be going to work without niqab & in an environment of free mixing. Questions:

a. Based on 1 - 2 above, is it correct for this lady to abandon the explicit command of the Qur'an which instructs women not to emerge from the home, i.e. would hers be an exceptional case based on necessity?

b. If it does fall within the category of necessity, is there a need for her to work at a place that is far from her home in a mixed environment without niqab?

c. If the answer to a or b above is "no", is this lady's income halal or not?

Non-mahrams visiting a widow and seeing to her needs


1. My mother in law is presently observing her iddat. Owing to the fact that her son and husband have passed on and her brothers live far off, I take the responsibility of taking her out of the house for necessary needs e.g. hospital visits., etc. Am i allowed?

2. The second query would be regarding other ghair mahram men. Are they allowed to visit her at home? Is she allowed to go with them to any place that is deemed unnecessary? I think that she is not allowed to. She has recently left the house with an uncle of hers (not related by blood) for a few hours. Her reasoning is that he is an elder. Please clarify for me. Does my deceased father in law incur any azaab as well?