
Respecting one's mother

Q: How does one deal with ones mother who has chosen to marry for the 4th time?

Being married, my husband and myself are constantly fighting because he is disgraced that my mother has taken another husband (the man is a sheikh). My husband worries that because my mother has not received blessing from her children or her mother, therefore she is doomed to fail in her marriage. Is it correct to feel anger towards ones mother and is it correct of my husband to show any disrespect to her if he does not agree with her choice? I feel as if I have to choose between my husband and my mother?

Marital problems

Q: My husband is having an affair with,a cheap evil white woman. I caught them twice. He is a doctor and feels he can get away with anything.he feels he can punish, me, because I found out about them.he walks around with arrogance, and pride that he is not answerable to anyone. Question is, I have given this my marriage my all. I am consumed by the injustice of it all, and consumed by revenge. I am praying Allah brings this man down,humiliates him,and, makes him regret,for destroying so much, and doing zinna. He has lost his Emaan,and still so proud. Problem, is, I can't wait for him, to be punished, because Iam hurting so so much.

Husband not allowing children to visit their non-Muslim grand-mother

Q: I am a revert alhumdulilah. I am in a dilemma regarding visiting my mother who is Hindu. My husband does not allow my kids to visit her because she has a temple in her yard. It's not like the kids play outside. My family has a lot of respect that I am a Muslim and they have never forced us into doing anything unlawful or haram. My mother is now heartbroken as she can't be with her grandchildren and I feel bad visiting her without the kids. Her tears are haunting me. I know that a mother holds Jannat under her feet and to make a mother cry is the biggest sin. I can't take this anymore I'm miserable and how do I earn Jannat one day in sha Allah if my mother is hurt. So please advise as I can't hear or see my mother cry anymore.

Helping one's husband to stop being rude

Q: I need to know how to help my husband to stop being sarcastic and rude to everybody (his family, my family, close friends, my kids and I). His family even complains to me about how rude he is. I really don't know what to do anymore because it is affecting the way my son speaks as well. Do I take him to a therapist, Moulana?

PS: He doesn't see anything wrong with himself