Definition of a town and village
Q: What is the definition of "town/small village"?
Q: What is the definition of "town/small village"?
Q: I am a college student. I have to miss 4 hours of lecture for jummah because the mosque is too far away. My college departmanet told me to pray jummah in college. my question is, is it possible to pray jummah in college?
Q: In our Masajids there are two Friday Prayers are being held. And one Iman leads the both Salah in terms of delivering the Khutabas and as well leading the salah. As we understand Juma is only Fard once not twice. Could you please help us to understand whether this is allowed or not, and give us some detail explanations in terms of it's validity. We would like to share your explanations with the local scholars.
Q: I travel on a Friday to work outside my town which is 25 miles. Can I do Zohar individually or is Jummah Farz?
Q: On the day of jummuah, between the khutbah and the namaz, can the imaam announce to the people that they should straighten the saffs like how it is is done normally in all masaajid or is there any prohibition for this?
Q: Is it allowed according to Hanafi Math-hab to establish Juma Prayers even though the resident people don't attend 5 daily prayers?
Q: Is it sunnah to perform ghusl on Friday for women as well (women not going to go to the Friday prayer)?
If it is not, then does it make a difference whether a women does ghusl on Friday or not? Some people are afraid that if women stop doing ghusl on that day, then the tradition of doing so will eventually come to a halt.
Q: How many rakats in jumma salaah?
Q: I am going to join as an engineer in a ship and I cannot come to land for a minimum of 5 months. It seems that I will be the only Muslim working there. I am so worried about jummah prayer and I dont know what to do. Can I pray zuhr prayer instead and continue working on the ship or should I leave my job?
Q: Should Jumuah be prayed in USA or other non-Muslim countries or one should pray Zuhr instead?