
What will women get in Jannat?

Q: I'm a practicing Muslim woman in USA and I notice that in the Quran even if the men are rewarded with Hoor Al Ayn there is no stated reward for women in the Quran. Like sometimes I need motivation for Jannah and saying "whatever you desire" is too vague for me. Maybe if Allah stated that women would be rewarded with a palace with singing angels or a Pegasus or a personal spa it would have motivated us even more. So I could pray five times a day and at the end of the day I could say Allah would reward you with blah blah blah and I could say Allah is very generous with me or I could be very happy knowing I won't be disappointed in the afterlife. I know Jannah isn't like Dunya, but how Allah reassured the men that even if they died unmarried or withheld themselves in this world Allah will substitute with something better, sometimes I need the same reassurance. Also I think a lot of Muslim women need reassurance also. What do women get?

Hajj for a woman without a mahram


1. In India, most of the ladies have a lot of gold with them, will it be fardh on them to do Hajj if their husbands or other mehrams don't have that much of money to go for hajj. In this case what needs to be done by a woman and her mehram?

2. Many people in India invest money in buying lands and buildings apart from living. So what is the ruling for them regarding Hajj. Since the land comes under exceptional category, what is the ruling make hajj obligatory on them?

Women visiting the funeral home

Q: I wish to inquire what is the mas’alah with regards to women attending the funeral home of the deceased on the day of the janaazah. Please enlighten us with regards to the following:

1. Is it permissible for the general women of the community who are not the close family of the deceased to attend the home of the mayyit on the day of the janaazah as is the practice nowadays?

2. The mayyit house gets packed to capacity with women of the community (not necessarily the close family members but the general women). Will this be considered as causing takleef to the bereaved women of the house or not?

3. Which women are regarded as the close family members of the deceased?

4. Please explain the proper Shar’ee procedure for women to follow with regards to attending funeral homes?