
Reverting to one's old habit of haidh

Q: I am writing as I am very confused regarding my Haidh. Before giving birth, my Haidh lasted a week. I had my baby via C-section on 3rd Jan 2017. Bled for 40 days. After that, I considered it Istihaadhah and started reading Salaah. On 22 Feb 2017, I started bleeding again, this time like my normal Haidh. But because there was not a 15 day clean period in between, I continued Salaah. I stopped reading once the 15 days from Nifaas was up and then only considered it a period. The bleeding ended on 9 March 2017. On 19 March 2017, bleeding started. This time also exactly like my Haidh but because 15 days in between hasn't passed, I'm confused. Since the first period after Nifaas wasn't after 15 days of cleanliness, all future calculations are going off. Please advise as I know this is Haidh bleeding but have to continue Salaah each time. Jazaakallah.


Q: I really need help! I gave birth 2 weeks a go, Alhamdulilah! Do I have to wait for 40 days before starting my prayers? I'm not bleeding like it's suppose to be after child birth? Should I wait,or just pray ,then when I start bleeding again stop my salat or what? Help me out please.

Bleeding after nifaas

Q: I gave birth on 15 May 2016. I had a ghusal on the expiry of nifaas which was the 24th June 2016. However I still continued to bleed till now. In a week I will stop bleeding for 2/3 days then it would resume. In this scenario do I count my Haidh and if so how do I go about doing it?


Q: Beheshti zewar does not mention regarding the case where a lady in nifaas experiences a situation as follows: (similar to haiz masla) -

A lady has a habit of 30 days nifaas (last childbirth)

- After eg 20 days the bleeding stops. She has a bath and begins performing salaah.

1) Is this correct?

- after 36 days she starts bleeding again. She stops her salaah again.

2. would this be haiz or nifaas bleeding?

- thereafter the bleeding stops only on the 42nd day.

In the situation where this is nifaas bleeding, but has now gone over 40 days, so this now would be Istihadha and she would look at her habit of 30 days, but she had stopped reading salah when she bled again on the 36th, thinking it might still be nifaas.

2) Is it correct to say that she will only have to make Qadha from the 36th to the 40th?

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: A lady is pregnant but at her scan at 14 weeks she finds out that the baby had died at 9 weeks and 1 day. Hence she is given a pill and miscarriage is initiated. The baby had buds as arms and legs. They are visible in the ultrasound. The baby had visible buds of arms and legs. What is the ruling regarding nifaas?