
Giving the qurbaani meat in sadaqah

Q: Please advise with regard to Qurbaani, it is compulsory upon four of us in the house. We usually slaughter one sheep at home and send the rest to a welfare organisations. The sheep we slaughter is usually done in our late fathers name. My question, would it be better to slaughter on my living mother's name because we consume the meat and send my late fathers share to a welfare organisation where meat will be distributed to people less fortunate. Is there any more reward doing it this way?

Cooking meat in a dream

Q: I did isthikhara for my marriage. I saw in a dream that I was opening a shopping beg and taking out leg piece of mutton. I was happy to see that clean and ready to cook mutton, I realized that someone was cooking by my side and putting meat in cooking pot. I thought I should start cooking too. I was thinking should I remove that white piece of fat from it or not. But then I decided to cook the leg piece as a whole with that white fat on it. The cooking pot was small but I managed to put the leg piece in it and I thought it would take few hours to cooked completely. I was feeling happy that I can eat that after few hours. Could you please tell me that is it a positive dream or negative? Should I go for that proposal or not?

Halaal and haraam meat

Q: I would like to know about meat or chicken for selling in non-muslim shops cooked or uncooked. Are Muslims allowed to buy that meat or chicken?  Can Muslims go to Mcdonalds in non-muslim countries? I heard that chicken can be halaal for Muslims living in western countries to eat in Mcdonalds and to buy in non muslim shops because chicken don't have a lot of blood compared to other animals. Is this true? How can I know which meat is halaal and which haraam while living in a western country? I am really confused about this matter and it makes it hard for me to chose the right food. Can you please explain this to me?

Non-Muslim driver transporting halaal meat to the butcher shop for slicing

Q: Umar slaughtered a sheep at home. He sends the meat with his non-Muslim driver to a Muslim butcher for slicing. The Muslim butcher slices the meat and sends it back to Umar with the non-Muslim driver. Hence, there was no Muslim supervising the meat during the travelling periods to and from the Muslim butchery.

1. Is it permissible to eat this meat?

2. Is this meat Halal?

3. If not, please suggest how this meat should be disposed of.

Opening a meat distribution centre

Q: I intend opening a meat shop and distribution centre in a town some two hours from Cape Town insha Allah. My supplier is strictly halaal. As I will not slaughter any animals myself and will only pass on/sell to the public, do I need a halal certificate displayed in my meat shop or is a notice of the above procedure displayed in my shop adequate?