
Haraam relationship

Q: I am a girl but I have a friend who is a guy. I recently started practicing Islam. I told him to practice the same. I am happy that he did. Now I learnt that the interaction with non-mehrams should be avoided. I told him about it but I am afraid that he will move to the wrong path because I am really important to him. What should I do? I can’t abandon him because he will move to the wrong path. And I can’t stay because it’s not allowed. 

Having hope in Allah Ta'ala

Q: I want some advice from you:

1.I have done many things which is clearly disrespectful to Allah. Whenever I am in any bad situation or insulting situations I blame Allah and get angry.Actually I am really fed up.From the very beginning of trying to be a practicing muslim I am facing situations which have no explanation,situations which indicate that Allah is dissatisfied with me,I get insulted in front of people many times.I made tawbah for disrespecting my mother and seeked help to not doing this again but it became more difficult..even when I seek help from Allah for ease of impressing Him it became so much difficult specially salah has become a nightmare..I seeked help from commiting any sin..such as- I had to go through MRI and I didn't know if there would be non mahram I prayed to Allah to protect my parda but the situation was such that I had to face two males without my borkha hijab completely unintentionally..whenever I do a sin I don't feel like making tawba or make tawba but I know I will repeat it..because I think ,Allah gives tawfik to do something good in the same way it is in his control that someone will not do the sin or do the He is not helping me..and i am getting insulted in front of the relation with Allah has become weak..also in my mind always negative things about different people goes on I also have become rude..

2. I have a friend whom I don't ferl good to be she is very controlling and negative.she always complains about this and that,her life to me.I try to be patient with her.she also has a problem,she is secretly married to someone but she has emotion for another person and she is so very much depressed.I told her to make lots of dua.she also talks about him which i hate but can't express to her .The problem is she thinks me as her best friend and shares with me this case if I ignore her she will really get hurt and become alone..but my mental peace is getting ruined..what should I do?

Marital problems

Q: If a husband is continuously involved in zina and is not even guilty of it, does the wife have a right to get separated? If yes, can she file a divorce instead of khula if such a right is given to her in her nikaah agreement? What are the regulations in relation to khula and divorce?

Marital problems

Q: My wife keeps falsely accusing me of having affiars. I told her that it is not true and we dont reach any conclusion as she only wants me to accept that I had affairs and must apologise. I cannot do it as she is incorrect. She says she has evidence but refuses to bring it forward. Our marriage is in turmoil. What to we do as we cannot come to agreement. I suggested councelling she refuses.

Method of being steadfast on Islam

Q: Few months ago until now I try to change myself to be a better person. I'm really happy because I learned more about Islam which I never knew before. But it really made me sad when my friends abandoned me. They left me behind and they made me feel like I'm a stranger to them. I'm really sad because they never asked me to hang out with them. I get to know about it when I see their whataapp messages and so on. It makes me feel that I'm totally zero after I try to change myself because all my friends left me. So I don't know how to share my feelings to people. What should I do? Can you give me some encouragement on how to always be steadfast on Islam.

Parents not happy with the girl

Q: I really like a girl. I told this to my parents and my parents finally met the girl's family. Her family really liked me and my family and they were ready for our nikah, but my family said no for 3 reasons which are:

1- the girl doesn't wear hijab.

2- the girl is working in an IT company.

3- the girl doesn't have good looks.

I discussed the above points with the girl and she said that she will start wearing hijab very soon. Second point which they didn't like is she works. They justified it by saying that she won't be able to give much time to me, but I dont see a problem in this because first of all I also work in the IT field and I think we can manage it. Thirdly I dont have a problem with the girl's looks.

After clarifying and discussing the above points with the girl, I explained to my parents but they are still against it just because the girl doesn't have good looks. I tried convincing them a lot but they are not at all agreeing only because she doesnt have good looks. It's been already 2 months since our families met and the girl cant keep on waiting for a yes from our side. I tried my best to convince my parents and all they could tell me was that if I want to marry her then they wont have a problem but they will not be happy for this marriage and they will be hurt.

The girl is committed to deen and pious as far as I know and I am satisfied with her deen. My only question was her hijab and she said she will follow it very soon. I dont want to lose this girl as well as I dont want to hurt my parents but it seems that I have to choose one from the above two. Can parents stop their children from getting married just because of the looks? 

Premarital relationship and thoughts of suicide

Q: I am 24 years old and by birth a non Muslim but had relations with a Muslim boy for over 5 1/2 years. We have been planning to get married after my convertion. I believe in Allah. For these 5 1/2 years l lived like a Muslim girl. I know that both my parents will not accept us easily but I thought that his parents would support me more than mine. I tried alot. He told me to take a loan and join for the msc and in 2 years time we would get married. I listened to him and completed my msc. He promised to marry me. I did things with him because he told me that we will make everything halal after getting married. I gave him everything but I am still a virgin. Few months ago, his parents found about us and they changed him. He got married to another girl and started to a new life. He forgot about everything. He hides from me and his friends. Allah also supported and saved him. I prayed alot but Allah didnt hear my prayer. Perhaps it is because I was born a non Muslim girl. I believe and pray alot to Allah. I told his parents that I believe in Allah Amd I like to live like a Muslim girl. I asked them to please give me a chance to be a good Muslim girl. But they did not accept. Allah did not answer my duas. This boy dropped me at the last second and he told "What I did will not gave you a child so forget what happened between us and live your life with someone else. My mother does not accept you and I cant disobey my mother." I know that a mother is a great gift of Allah and Allah told us not to make your mother sad. I can also give birth to a child then I will become a mother. Why does he not think about that. He did also made a mistake and cheated on me. Why Allah is not punishing him? He used me and me and left me. I am so heart broken and feel betrayed because he used me so much. I have been crying and praying to Allah. I begged every one to please help me to become a good Muslim girl but nobody helped me. At last I'm having thoughts of committing suicide. I know that it is harram in Islam. But I dont have any athor option. He touched my body with the promise that he will marry me. I told him that its was bad thing and we are not married. I am still a virgin but my body is also important to me. I lost everything but he gets a good life. Now l prayed to Allah to take my life back. I dont want to live. If I live, I dont want to be cheated by another boy. If I tell this thing to anyone then nobody will want to marry me. What must I do?

Haraam relationship

Q: I am a girl and I have a best friend who is a guy. It’s been a few days since I started practicing Islam. I told him to do the same. He did. Now I came to know that the interaction with non-mahrams should be avoided. I tried to convince him. But I am afraid that he is new on this path and may go the wrong way if I leave him alone in the beginning. I can’t abandon him because he may move to the wrong way. I can’t stay because it is prohibited. Please tell me what should I do.