
Feeling ashamed of one's past

Q: I am really worried about something which I did 1-2 year ago. I was 16 years old and sexted with a married woman. She sent me a photo of her breasts twice. I felt so guilty and sick of myself and cut all contact with her. I am ashamed of what I did. My imaan wasn't that strong back then. I am a born muslim and I just remembred about it today. I think first time was one night in the holy month of Ramazan and second time later. What should I do? Will Allah Ta'ala forgive me for my shamefull sin? 

Mother rejecting proposals for daughter

Q: I am writing in regards to my situation.

My mother is a single parent with my father having left when we were very young. Many people have sent proposals and my mum refuses each one without any valid reason. Now there has been one proposal from someone I like and I am happy with but my mother is refusing and when asked why says "just".

My grandmother (my mother's mother) and my mum's sister and uncle have looked into the man and his family and are satisfied with his deen and character and from people that know them we have found out that they are respected and humble practising people and the boy is of good character and practising masha'allah. I am very happy with this and would like to go ahead and the rest of my family are also happy but my mum just wont let me get married and won't let me even speak about it and doesn't have any valid reason to say.

I don't know what to do in this situation as I only have my mother as my guardian as my father didn't keep in touch since he left and my brother is only 20 and unfortunately got into the wrong crowd and not at home. My mum doesn't have any brothers either, only sisters. My mother unfortunately does not prioritise deen and I know that either she will not want me to marry for years or the people she may eventually consider will not be based first and foremostly on deen which is what I want.

I don't know what to do in this situation as I would like to marry this person and all the rest of my family are happy with the proposal. I would appreciate your guidance on this matter

Marital problems


1. I am a 30 year old married woman. It is 7 years since I am married. There has been marriage issues between us. Now he decided to divorce me. We have a 5 year old daughter. But I dont like to get divorced as it is a major sin. If he does so, is there any sin on me?

2. Also, can you send a dua to me to avoid a divorce. I am very depressed.

Choosing a spouse

Q: There is a girl I really like so I told my parents about her and finally my parents met her family. Now the situation was to take the final call. I asked my parents about their opinion and they said that since they met the girl and her family just once they might not know much about her and they asked me to take a decision. They also said that they are neither opposing her nor forcing me to marry her but they mentioned one point saying that I might get a better girl considering the fact that the girl and her family has little less knowledge and teachings of Islam and they also said that they wouldn't have preferred the girl. But again they said that they are OK with the girl if I select to go with her. So I am really confused right now. I dont want to hurt my parents and I dont know if they get hurt if I decided to go with this girl. Please help me.

First wife requesting a divorce

Q: My first wife has said to me that if I go abroad to meet my second wife then I must give her (my first wife) divorce first. She is already living in a separate room from mine. She has had many outbursts before. The latest outburst came when she saw my passport. I have pleaded with and asked her in every way to be patient for the sake of the kids, but it seems that she does not see anyone besides herself. I have talked to her father but he has given up also and there is no one further I can ask to interfere and bring some kind of reconciliation between us. I do not want to divorce anyone.

Marital problems

Q: I have two wives, my first wife is here with me and second wife is abroad. My first wife has not come to terms with my second marriage. Instead of paying attention to her house and children, she was always prying about what im sending to my second wife and when I contact her. I had many times told her, that do not think of that, it is not your concern. Just concentrate on home here and children. But she went on it on and off, resulting in irritating me. I started to leave the room when she started so that the matter should cool off, as per instruction of my mother. But the last time i did first wife followed me and misbehaved with me with strict words and i retaliated back. After that she has separated her room. I am being normal with her but she is persisting in her attitude, my mother has tried to tell her, this is not doing any good to home or children, but her answer is i have cut of all contact with him (me). I will just give him food etc. other than that i have no relation with him. I am not forcing or anything now. Just complying with whatever she is doing. Please advise