
Refraining from asking the husband questions which may irritate him

Q: My husband recently started a new business course. I asked him how many women are there in the class and he got very angry and said I am pathetic and a sad person.

1. Islamically is it okay for a wife to enquire such things from her husband?

2. Can you please refer me to specific duas to help our marriage and to calm my husband down as he has a very bad short temper (with everyone).

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: I was a non-Muslim girl with staying with parents. I left my home and parents without any reason. I left my home when my age was 17 and now I am 29 years old. I converted to Islam at the age of 18 and still am. I had stayed alone and still stay alone. I have went through many hurdles in my life and still going on. Many people used me for their benefits. Now a days I don't know why but my Imaan is getting weaker. It is not like that I don't trust Allah Ta'ala or have no more faith but due to my problems and not becoming any good things in life I am getting worried.

There is much more to say but don't know how should I open up as there is no one in my life to share my each good and bad things.


Q: I've lost a lot of weight lately unintentionally. I can never eat until I'm full without the food trying to come back up. I've tried going to the doctor and they believe I'm perfectly fine. My family think it may be the evil eye. How do I know if I have the evil eye? And if I do what is the right cure.

Unfair treatment from parents

Q: I am un-happy living at home with the rules that have been implied. Even when I do nothing wrong, I still feel as if they blame me. I do everything in the home for chores helping my parents and errands. I have other siblings as well but the do not help. I am getting emotionally depressed and want to start doing drugs and staying out the house because once coming home I cry most the time. I feel as if my parents don't understand me yet. I try to make them time after time. I have started trying to tell them I am moving out and they react as if I am doing something horrible and hit and yell abuse at me. Everyday it's the same thing. I want to be gone but my family won't let me. Do I leave with out their permission? What do I do? Please help. I am only 20 years old. I do have a friend's house who is willing to let me stay with her as long as I can. I can't focus on my studies any more at all as well. Please help.


Q: Unfortunately many of us Muslims are now suffering from obesity including myself. Are there any prescriptions from Islamic sources with which to combat this lifestyle disease and to lose weight?

Marital problems

Q: My husband and I are not living together. He had me thrown out of our marital home when I was pregnant. He has also uttered talaaq and revoked it. He has since moved back to his ex wife who he irrevocably talaaq. He is aware they living in haraam and refuses to let me go. He has asked me for sex saying we can get a room to which I refused and he got angry. He doesn't see to any of my needs but expects me to have sex with him then he brings me back to my mother house and he goes back to his mistress. Do I have a right to refuse him. Because now he using the deen against me whereas he not living according to Allah laws.