recipients of zakaat

Giving zakaat to shias, qadiyaanis, etc


1) I know that it is not permissible to give zakaat to any non-Muslim. However, generally we are allowed to help needy and poor non-Muslims. The question is, there are some groups such as Shia, Qadiyani, Munkireen e Hadith which claim to be Muslim but in reality they are out of the fold of Islam. These three groups mentioned above(and probably some other groups also) are known as Zindeeq. Is my understanding correct?

2) Is it permissible to help poor and needy people belonging to such Zindeeq groups?

3) Is it permissible to give any other sort of help and aid (not financial) to these Zindeeq groups?

The mother of a zakaatable family inheriting a large some of money

Q: A family was eligible for zakaat. The mother in this family just inherited a fairly large sum of money from a deceased relative. However, she says that she wants to keep this sum of money for herself and does not want to spend it on her family. Are the father and the children in this family still eligible to receive zakaat?

Assisting a prisoner with zakaat money

Q: Can zakaat be given to a Muslim to release him from prison who has been in prison for last fifteen years. The person in prison is punctual about his prayers and believes that he is innocent and must be released from prison so he can look after his kids and wife. He also suspect that he may be hung for capital punishment if he is not proved innocent. We don't know if zakaat can be spent on such a person, so he can be released from prison and we do not know whether he is a culprit or not?

Can a person who possess a cellphone or a car receive zakaat

Q: I heard from an Aalim that if a person has a fancy touch screen cellphone, then he cannot be given zakaat.

1) If a person has a cellphone worth R3000k and jewellery worth 3000 and 1000 cash, does zakaat now become wajib on him / can he receive zakaat?

2) If a person has a car worth R500 000, has jewellery worth R10 000, cash R10000 but is in debts for R20 000. So his balance is 0 excluding the expensive car. Can he recieve zakaat? Even though he has such an expensive car?