
Giving up watching porn and masturbating

Q: I am a very bad boy very much trying to be good when I am alone. Alhamdulillah I am a kind of boy who had spoiled by my bad friend, in my small age, that bad guy taught me bad things forcefully in my 3rd standard, this forceful learning spoiled my heart, Now presently I am engineering student. Alhamdulillah upto know I am as a good boy to every one (honest, trustworthy, advice giver, problem resolver etc...) I have one bad habit which taught by my friend i.e.. Watching pornonography and its related issues. After every time I did that, I torture myself and regret for that and strictly makes niyyah not be repeat that, but unfortunately it's repeating. Once I left that for one year but it's repeating This all done by me when I am alone. Outside, when I see any girl, I don't look at them, not even talk to them but helps them when they asked. Outside my intention is good ie. I thinks that if anyone looks at my sister how I feel bad, like that they are also sisters and daughters of others so I don't even look at them. I am suffering this almost from 12 years But no one knows except me and Allah. I am acting like two different persons characters ie.. Mostly different in night, Every time I feel religious but suddenly I become evil for certain period and then my regret starts.

Recently I talked to a mufti in mobile, I hadn't told him my story, but he asked my mothers name and said I am frequently attacked by a very big jinn, who comes to me and changes my mood to bad etc... He told me as I told him that I am not feeling good. I tried almost everything to solve this problem with out exposing this matter but I am unsuccessful, so I am telling this to you.

I have another doubt also as I am fighting this for 12 years to get rid of this, if I got rid of this completely, are my sins erasable by Allah. Now, could you please instruct me, If you think that i am attacked by some jinn then plz give me some effective Ruqya (presently I am reading muawwidatein morning and evening). Plz help me until I get completely cured, I will update my status to you frequently.

Touching one's mother after masturbating

Q: I have a question with regards to hurmut mussaharah. Unfortunately, I was watching porn/masturbating one evening, where suddenly my mother entered the room. Although I did not expose myself in anyway, I was greeted and touched whilst I was still in an excited state from the haram I did. I remember feeling something inappropriate and trying my best to suppress the feeling, although I have no such feelings at all normally (sorry for going into detail, but I remember I still had an erection before they entered and there was a feeling after the touch which was out of my control). I also remember warmth from the touch. Has hurmut mussaharah taken place? Please advise me what to do.

Husband masturbating

Q: I have recently found out that my husband masturbates when he thinks I'm asleep. I know it is not allowed in Islam. What should I do? Should I ask him directly or just pray for him or ask my parents for help?


Q: I have scrupulosity religious ocd which gets me too much horrible Islamic related thoughts. So im not able to do anthng, not even rest. Now I got in trouble by masturbtion. I did once and now im not able to stop. My thoughts comes like if i didnt do again the sin im going aginst my religion. I knw its not true or i dont want to do bt im not getng my mind free nd im not able to do anithng salh pryer etc. im stuck with these and if i dont do the sin again upto some certain no or date like tht i may not getback to norml.wht i do.these thoughts are not ignored by me even i wnt or i still comes. What do I do?

Sachcha taubah


1. Gunahon se tauba karne kelye Allah se baqaida dua mangni paregi, hath pelake, ya dil me khayal me tauba ka irada karsakte hn?

2. Falah shaks mushtzani ka gunah karta raha h n songs bi sunta h n haram chezen bi dekta h to kia usko her gunah kelye alag alag tauba karne paregi ya just ye kahe ya dil me kayal kare "ya Allah, me tauba karta hn gunahon se " tauba qubool hojati hai ?

Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr?

Q: Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr:

1. One's mother walks into the room to pray, and you tell her to go pray somewhere else (or go pray in another room) because you're watching something on your computer.

2. Committing sinful acts (like watching pornography, masturbation, listening to music) in the same room where the Holy Qur'an is kept, and other Islamic books and literature is kept (like books of Durood Shareef).

3. Someone says that the Old Testament is barbaric and harsh, and one nods and smiles in agreement.


Q: What is the ruling of masturbation in Islam for men and women? I have heard that it can cause weak memory and eyesight as well as other health problems.