
Objections against zikr

Q: I was making the following zikr la ilaaha ilillah 100x , ilillah 100x and allah Allah 100x, thereafter a Somalian brother approached me saying that where do we learn this from as it is not in any hadith or quraan. So I replied by telling him that we get it from our ulema and he should consult with them as they will issue the necessary proofs. He seemed very disturbed and said that these are from people who made they own ways, and to an extent he mentioned that some were Shia''s, this has now brought some doubt. he also mentioned that in the books of azkaar , he have found La ilaaha ilillah amongst them, but never found Ilillah or Allah Allah on its own. Could hazrat please advise as it is still giving some doubts.

Reciting "​​La ilaha illallah" 70,000 times

Q: Is it an innovation to recite Kalima "​​La ilaha illallah" ​​70,000 times with hope that the deceased will be saved from the punishment of ​​grave and ​​Hell fire? I really wish to know that and is thinking of doing this for my mother who died on 5th July 2017. Help me in this regard and please pray for the forgiveness of my mother and all the muslims.