
Sin for not keeping a beard

Q: What if a guy is not keeping his beard out of fear for people that what will they say? Is he doing shirk or kufar or some sin? I'm aware that not keeping a beard is a sin, that's what i heard. But I want to know if a person does not do something because of fear for people which he should be doing, is it's a sin, kufar, shirk?

Growing a beard

Q: I want to grow a beard but my mother is telling me to only grow my beard after marriage. I live in India and there is a lot of difficulty in finding a girl if someone has a beard. I want to get married as soon as possible because there is a lot of fitna and temptation here.

Keeping a beard


1. Can I know any authentic hadith and examples other than that of Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) of cutting a fistful of the beard?

2. When we say cut a fistful of the beard (exceeding one fist), from where do we take 1 fist? How do we know this? Is there any authentic source which mentions that one fist is from the chin or do we just assume it?

Parents stopping son from keeping a beard

Q: I try my best to pray salaah 5 times, stay away from sins, tell others about it but because of one thing I am really depressed. Because of this I am not able to concentrate in salaah, etc. At present, I keep a very little beard. I want to keep a long beard as we know in Islam it is mandatory to keep the beard and not to cut it. My parents live in Saudi Arabia and I am studying in India. My parents, especially my father don't want me to keep a beard in india because he is worried that after the new govt came in power, the Muslims are being attacked and put to death. There have been cases of this also. So he keeps shouting and telling me not to keep it there and when I come back to Saudi or a Muslim country then I can keep it. I keep thinking about this and I get headaches. I am not able to concentrate in salaah and I don't live a happy life just because of this issue... I tried explaining to them in a nice way but it dosent work. What should I do?

Mocking someone with a beard

Q: A man started keeping a beard after shaving for a long time. He is a Muslim. My father told me that "to be true he was looking better before"(because that man doesnt really look good after he started keeping a beard) I also agreed with my father saying that he was looking good before because when a man leaves his beard after shaving it for long time, he does not look good but after the beard grows he looks good. I had seen another man (who is a Muslim) who had shaved for a long time then left his beard and he too was not looking good but now he is good looking because of a big beard?

My question is that: Is there any affect on us being Muslims? Because we said that a man is not looking good while he was obeying Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by leaving a beard.

Trimming the beard

Q: I am 18 years old and studying in 12th grade. I am growing a beard but my beard looks odd. I used gel to make it look straight but nothing happened. People everyday say me to neaten my beard and criticize me. Well all of these made me lose confidence. I dont want to meet people because they will criticize me. Can I just neaten my beard and will let it grow step by step?

Cutting the beard

Q: I came to know that In Shafi Madhab cutting beard is Makrooh (disliked) as said by their two great Shaikhs, Shaikh Al Nawai and I forgot the name of the other Shaikh. Can I follow Shafi madhab in the ruling of cutting the beard as I follow the Hanafi madhab but because I am feeling great resistance from society.