Irregular bleeding after child birth
Q: I am having problems regarding menstruation since childbirth.
1. After delivering my first baby I bled for a few days but saw blood tinged or yellow discharges for up to 48 days. (Started praying after 40 days) 48 days after delivery I experienced a proper menstrual bleeding for 7 days ( all symptoms like cramping, flow, color etc. resembled haidh that I experienced before pregnancy) therefore did not pray in these 7 days. Since tuhr has to be at least 15 days, will this bleeding be considered Istihaaza? Will I have to make up for missed Salaahs?
2. Due to nursing, my period hasn't returned after the above mentioned 7 day bleeding. Instead I see a very slight tinge of blood in my regular, otherwise clear discharge. This means, not a single drop of blood stains my clothing. This happened once after 26 days and did not reoccur so I took it as istihaza. After 17 more days I see such traces after every 2 days or so. I am not missing any prayers because this is nothing like my usual period. But I want to ask: do I have to avoid relations with my husband? If yes, for how many days?