
Helping someone go to USA for work

Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and halaaat of Saudi Arabia are not good. Most Pakistanis and Indians are going to their countrys and one of my friends came to me that and said that we should go to USA. I said ok I will tell you my procedure how to visit visa so we were discussing about how to make file and interview in Saudi Arabia will be asked so other beards people were with me and they dislike me that why I sending them to America . Do u know what they did with us i can feel that they were disappointed at me that I am favour . So I clear them that it is not sin to go America . They are going for earning money . I hope u understand what they meant . That america all are dushman and we should not go there and they were saying me that u saying like this . I just wana know should I help them out to send USA or stop it . As You are mufti and better know then us . I am jahal and learner person .

Delaying in performing the Janaazah Salaah and burying the deceased


1. What is the shar’ee ruling in the situation where a foreigner passes away and his family from his home country makes a request for his body to be sent to them. In this case it is a legal requirement for a chemical to be injected into the veins of the deceased to keep the body from decomposing. Is this allowed in Shariah since it is a legal requirement?

2. If a foreigner passes away and his family from his home country makes a request for his body to be sent to them, then before sending the body overseas, do we have to carry out the ghusal, kaffan and perform the janaazah salaah? Once the family receives the body, will they have to repeat the ghusal and janaazah salaah?

Husband living abroad

Q: I am a married woman 24 years old. My husband is abroad and due to passport and visa issues, I have to wait till I get over there. I pray salah five times. Now for the time being I masturbate secretly without the knowledge of my husband. I am justified. I can't fast as I have health issues.

Leaving the country one is working in for Deeni reasons

Q: I am from Pakistan and I am working in Dubai since 18 months. I find it always very difficult and disappointing to stay away from parents and brothers and sister. In my country I can get a job but it pays less than the job in Dubai. I have decided to leave and go back and work there on less salary than here and live with parents and brothers and I am also getting married soon in my country so I prefer to stay with all family and work on less salary there instead of staying here in Dubai away from them. My question is that according to Islamic teachings, am I taking the right step? Maybe this question seems little bit stupid but it holds great importance in my life as I want to follow my Deen in every aspect of my life. Please answer my question and help me to put an end to this confusion.