
Holding the patient liable for lawyer’s fees and court charges

Q: If a patient doesn’t settle his debts with a doctor for treatment and medication he received, or a customer doesn’t settle his accounts with a shopkeeper for goods that were sold to him, and the doctor or the shopkeeper respectively file a case against them and the matter goes to court, can the doctor or shopkeeper hold the client responsible for the court charges and the lawyer’s fees?

Written Talaaq

Q: My cousin had some issues with his wife and his wife left him and moved to her parents. We all tried to settle the difference with them but she kept on asking for divorce. He went to court and sent her divorce papers... giving her divorce in it 3 times. Then every month the court sent her the notice for the divorce. Will the divorce be valid this way if there is no settlement between them even after 3 months?

Court marriage

Q: My question is regarding my marriage. When I met my husband I wasnt paying much attention to religion so we married in court as civil marriage. My father and mother left me alone in another country so I didn't have any wali present on the day we got married. Now since I learned more about Islam and I am concerned, I would like to know if our marriage is valid?

Court issuing a divorce without the consent of the husband

Q: My wife was divorced from her ex Husband. When she filed the divorce in America, her ex husband left for Pakistan and he never showed up in the court or Islamically gave her divorce or signed any paper. But the court in America awarded her the divorce and then she got married to me. In Islam did her previous divorce happen. Because after 2 years from the court order she got married to me. So I need to know if our nikah was valid?

Divorce in court

Q: I wanted to know if I file for divorce in the court in the West so if I sign and my wife signs and the court gives divorce and we become legally divorced. Does it mean we are divorced according to sharia too or court divorce does not affect the Islamic relation. And in case if it finishes our marriage relation by sharia. So then if we decide later to get back as wife and husband as in case we sort out what is the process by Islamic way.

Written Talaaq

Q: My friend's husband gave her talaq on stamp paper. He wrote three times talaq with my friends name, three times full sentence. He signed it. Two witnesses signatures also there and court stamp is also there. My question is, is this divorce valid and does it count as one divorce?

Issuing a divorce in court to dissolve a COP marriage

Q: Unfortunately we grew up in a time when our Islamic knowledge was very limited, hence it lead to a lot of mistakes and sins that we have committed. One being in question is that when we got married we followed the kaafir law of COP not realising and understanding the concept. Today it brings up alot of complications. Living in our country it is very difficult. People have advised us that the only way to rectify this is through an English divorce at the court. I am very afraid of this as the law of talaaq is not a simple issue and I don't want to live in sin and regret. Can Mufti Saheb please advise me on this.