asking for forgiveness

Giving up porn and smoking


1. I have an e-cigarette. It is like an alterative to a cigrette and I've got lots of different types and spent alot of money on them but I want to stop it completely. Should I throw them away and go against my nafs?

2. I am a younster with hormones and I used to make accounts to watch naked women perform acts. Each time I had the urge I'd make a new account. Should I leave the accounts and ask for forgiveness and not go back to the accounts even if the accounts are there and not getting used? Will I be sinful everyday if the accounts are not there because I don't know how to delete them.

Refusing to forgive someone

Q: If you do bad to someone and then you realize that you are being punished and if you ask forgivenss, the other person refuses to forgive you and say that he will take revenge on the day of judgement then what should we do? I feel sorry for what I did and have asked for tauba alot.

Begging Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness

Q: I am an 18 year old student and a practising Muslimah. But I committed a sin few days ago. I got distracted to a sexual website and made a chat. The guys asked me for pictures of the chest and I gave it. After sending it I realised how big sin I committed. I felt very bad and cried for forgiveness. Because I want Allah to trust me again and I can be pure again. I never did anything like this. But now I feel that I'm not a good person. Will Allah Ta'ala forgive me? I promised myself not to go this way ever. I dont want Allah or my parents to be ashamed on the Day of Judgement in front of Shaytan. I had a dream of making them proud. What should I do to get away from the punishment? I am scared of Allah.