Giving clothes as sadaqatul jaariyah
Q: I would like to know if clothes or any other items can be given as sadaqatul jaariyah?
Q: I would like to know if clothes or any other items can be given as sadaqatul jaariyah?
Q: There is great rewards in making sadqah in the form of wells. I wanted to know if on the well it is permissible to have a dua instead of the donors name. There are wells I've contributed towards, but charities insist on a donor's name. My intention was to make Allah pleased so I requested short duas on the plaques instead. So the benefactor remembers blessings. Is this permissible?
Q: I was for Umrah in Madina and had around 15 atar bottles which I didn't like and thought of giving to someone instead of throwing them away. I found a street vendor and gave it to him. He also gave me one atar and miswak as part of gesture.
1. Is it ok to give from my side? Will I be rewarded?
2. Can I take it from him? I don't know his niyat of giving it to me, probably he mentioned this is from my side as you have given this to me.
3. Later, I gave both atar and miswak adding some money to a poor person. Is it correct?
Q: In our time, there are wealthy Muslims to take out loans from the bank for tens of millions of rands for the purpose of business, e.g. constructing an apartment block. Or taking out a mortgage for buying a home. Please advise:
(1) If the amount loaned exceeds their Zakaat asset value, does that mean these Muslims do not have to pay Zakaat, and that they are also eligible to receive Zakaat?
(2) Likewise, is it better for them to use money to pay off debts or Nafl Sadaqah/Lillah projects?
1. My mother wants to offer me her money which she says is earned by halaal means by selling her land. However, I have a doubt in my heart that the money is actually not halaal as it is charity collected from people that was supposed to be given to the poor and needy. Is taking this money from my mother permissible for me?
2. I want to start a business using this money, but because I have a doubt about it, I want to keep only the profits and pay back all of the invested amount to my mother. Will this be permissible?
Q: May someone who has savings amounting to about 400k accept lillah and if so, will they be sinful for doing so? The person is a widow with a 16 year old son who is not working.
Q: My question is regarding children giving charity. From what I know, it is not permissible for them to give Sadaqah etc. from their own wealth. What about giving gifts from their own wealth? Also, what if they buy sweets with their own money, and then decide to to share them? How does it work?
I’m teaching, and the above topic came up. They were quite disappointed that they cannot give until they are baaligh, and it sounded like a lot of them had given before. They were asking if they got any reward for what they gave, or does it not count? Is it a sin? What must I tell them?
Q: I want to know about donations. Can I change my mind in that case?
For example, if I thought to save some money for donation. Then I changed my mind and invested in my business and after a while I donated the exact amount, is it valid?
I am donating, but a few days later and its my halaal money.
Q: We have 3 bank accounts from the same bank. One is personal, one is lillah and the other is Zakaat. We use these via the banking app on the phone.
1. Many times, we receive cash lillah donations for which there is no immediate use. Depositing those funds into the account will cost high deposit fees. Can we use that for personal use and then do internal transfer from our personal account to the lillah account? Or is it compulsory to deposit and pay the deposit fees? Who should incur that fee? Donors give any amount like R500 or R2000 or R3000 in cash for general or sometimes specific needs. The deposit fee will then be deducted according to the amount. Who must bear that fee. The internal transfer is primarily meant to save those costs.
2. All 3 accounts incur monthly interest. Withdrawing those interest funds is a cost. Even transferring them via eft is a cost though much less. Can we remove those interest amounts from cash on hand? Again, this is to save lillah and Zakaat funds.
3. When transferring Zakaat to a recipient via eft, there is a bank charge that comes off the Zakaat account. How should this be done or who should bear this cost?
Q: Through out the day I keep on making intention that I will give one pence of sadqah and keep the record of how many times I've said it on my notes in my phone. At the end of the day I've recorded that I've made intention of giving sadqah of 1 pence 98 times and then at the end of the day I give £0.98 in sadaqah just once.
I just want to know, do I get separate reward 98 times for making intention and writing it down as sadqah or do I get only one reward when I donate that 98 pence together at the end of the day? Is this bidah