Sunnats and Aadaab of Zul Hijjah
Q: Mufti Saheb, could you explain the virtues of the first ten days of Zul Hijjah and what are we supposed to do during these days?
Q: Mufti Saheb, could you explain the virtues of the first ten days of Zul Hijjah and what are we supposed to do during these days?
Q: Insha Allah I am going to do qurbaani. So from which date should I not cut my hair and nails?
Q: In the first ten days of Zil Hijjah we are advised not to cut our hair and nails etc If we are making qurbaani. Is this a masnoon practice of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
Q: It is mustahab (optional) for the one who is doing qurbaani that he does not cut his hair nor trim his nails until their qurbaani is carried out.
Q: If a person is not making qurbani in S.A, will it still be sunnah for him to fast till after eid salaah? and if yes, with what would he break the fast if no qurbaani meat available?
Q: In the case where a person appoints someone else to slaughter his qurbaani animal on his behalf, will it be preferable for him to be present and witness his animal being slaughtered?
Q: Is it better for one to slaughter the Qurbaani animal himself or to appoint someone else to slaughter it on his behalf?