
Finding impurity on one's body after istinja

Q: Please can you help me with the following?

1. Yesterday after passing stool I showered and cleaned myself to the best of my ability. Later that day when I cleaned myself in the toilet I found my private parts were still a bit dirty. I am now concerned that due to the fact that I showered and dried myself i could have spread the najaasat all over my body and therefore wherever i sat during the day and possibly perspired could have become napaak. Please let me know if this is in fact the case and whether I have to go back and wash all the areas i sat on during the day, including my towel shoes etc

2. Sometimes after cleaning I notice a dead insect on the cloth that I have cleaned my house with, would this then make all the items I wiped with that cloth napaak and is it necessary for me to wash these items three times?

3. We were out at a restaurant with family and friends and when we got home I realised that my daughter had urinated in her pants. I then began to get concerned that she was sitting on the chairs in the restaurant and touching everything there including the food, utensils etc. Furthermore she also sat on our family and friends laps and touched their belongings. I am not sure how wet her clothes were at the time and whether the urine has made all these things napaak. Please can you advise me as to what to do in this situation.

Waswasas of talaaq

Q: My question is about talaq. I have been a serious mental patient for last three years. Nowadays I am a little bit normal by some wazeefa and medicines. Three years ago I had too much waswasa and mental illness. There was too much pressure and mental error in my mind. 24 hours my mind was busy in unnecessary and unintentionally waswasa and mental thinking. What came in my mind, I would repeat it many times because of waswasa and mental illness. When I looked at something like name of someone then I looked at for long time because of too much waswasa. When I touched something then I touched it many times because of waswasa and mental pressure. I had also this problem while ablution and I washed one organ many times because of waswasa.I had also this problem in reciting Holy Quran and in my study. I read one word many times and looked at for a long time. What came in my mind, I would not be relaxed until I repeated it verbally many times. I was always talking to myself. My mental disease was too much serious and unintentionally that I could not stop and control it and if I did not do some wazeefa and medicines, I would loss my sense. Two years ago for the reason of leaving waswasa and mental thinking because I could not stop it I said with myself these words. ( "If I have waswasa and mental thinking INTENTIONALLY, my wife will be divorced on me" ) After that I did not think INTENTIONALLY but I could not stop it and waswasa came to my mind UNINTENTIONALLY because It was a serious problem and I had too much mental pressure that automatically waswasa and mental thinking was coming to my mind UNINTENTIONALLY. Now I have too much doubt that Talaq is valid for not valid?

Waswasas and stray thoughts

Q: Few years before I have uttered some blasphemous words for Allah because of my compulsive waswasah. I was combating with Shaitaan in my mind and whatever Shaitaan puts in my heart I directly says to Shaitaan verbally. So one day my tongue slipped and unintentionally whatever waswasas I had came on my tongue. I have heard that all this is from Shaitaan and I need to reject and ignore these waswasas. My question is were my all past good deeds gone? Because I watched one video of a mufti, he said one who uttered kufriya kalimaat would be gone beyond the pale of Islam.

Waswasas and doubts

Q: At the time of flushing the toilet at home, a number of drops splashed out from the toilet on to the toilet floor. Having stepped on these drops, I walked in the house and then walked outside in the same slippers. The ground outside was wet in patches as it had been raining. I then accidentally stepped in a muddy puddle with the same slippers. This caused water to seep through my leather and cotton socks with some moisture getting on to my feet. Before stepping on to the Masjid carpet, I removed my slippers, both pairs of socks and stepped on to the carpet. Some moisture passed from my feet on to the carpet. I walked through the carpeted masjid and went to the Wudhu area and washed my feet. In addition I carefully left my leather socks on the carpet before proceeding to the Wudhu Khana. They were wet from having stepped in the puddle but I tried to be careful not to put the wet part of the leather socks on the Masjid carpet, but now I am having a doubt as to exercised sufficient caution in this matter, i.e. there is a distinct possibility that the wetness on the leather sock went on to the carpet. Is the Masjid carpet which I walked on paak to perform Salah on or do I have to undertake the difficult task of informing the Masjid to wash the carpet?


Q: Please can you assist me with the following: My family eat non-meat products from non halaal restaurants such as fish, vegetables etc. I am therefore concerned that their clothes become napaak as a result of 1.) crumbs from their food falling onto their clothes (which could potentially be contaminated) or 2.) from sitting at such places as there is always a possibility of crumbs of the non halal food being on the seats. Whenever I see crumbs on their clothes I begin to get concerned however I am not certain if the crumbs are from eating at a non halal place or from eating elsewhere. I would therefore like to know if this makes everywhere they sit subsequent to eating at such places e.g. couch, bed, car etc napaak and would I have to wash it thrice every time this happens? Furthermore since I am not certain regarding the source of the crumbs, do I also need to was their clothes thrice.