
Applying for a bursary

Q: Will applying for a busary be regarded as a form of begging? I am unemployed but not disadvantaged or financially needy. The busary will be given based mainly on my academic performance. The busary may be paid back voluntarily - I will not be obligated in any way.

Accepting zakaat funds for a bursary

Q: I’m a 19 year old student currently studying at Univeristy. My father has just recently got a job but the income barely covers our home expenses and my mother is unemployed. My mother does however have money invested where she receives some every month and this covers the rest of our house expenses. My parents cannot afford to pay my univeristy fees with this money. I have been offered a bursary but they give Zakaat money. I would like to find out if it is permissible for me to accept this money.

Becoming a chartered accountant and taking bursaries from companies

Q: I am a grade 11 student and I want to pursue accounting after school. I am just concerned about whether being a charted accountant is permissible in Islam as it involves recording interest bearing transactions. The accountant is not involved in the actual interest bearing transaction but all he has to do is record it on, the businesses financial statements.

1. Is it permissible to become a charted accountant?

2. Is it permissible to take bursaries from large auditing firms in SA. They offer to pay for all your studies and you have to work with them for 3 years after you qualify. Is it permissible to work for these large auditing companies e.g. Deloitte and Tousche, PWC OR KPMG. They audit the books of large companies that also use interest.

3. Would mufti saheb suggest becoming a charted accountant?