
Disowning one's children

Q: I'm a mum and my daughter went to marry a guy behind our backs and it's her second marriage. We were not happy about it but she says that she's very happy. She only told me this yesterday and her father doesn't even know yet and I'm very worried what he's reaction will be. I have disowned her. Have I done the right thing? There two little grandchildren of mine which I have disowned too and it's hurting me very badly. Please advice. 

Father demanding his married daughter to bath and massage him

Q: My wife's father demands from her to massage him and bath him while he is just wearing bermuda type shorts. He ignores her condition or tiredness. I want to know if it is allowed for him to demand this service from her? Am I justified forbidding her to do so? He lives in another city and keeps on insisting for her to come there, totally ignorant of the fact that she has a job and kids to look after. Now he is demanding to move in with her just for the reason that she may serve him like that. He has a wife who is my wife's step mother. I do not like her massaging or bathing him in his semi nude condition, but my wife said that its a culture of their country.

Mother rejecting proposals for daughter

Q: I am writing in regards to my situation.

My mother is a single parent with my father having left when we were very young. Many people have sent proposals and my mum refuses each one without any valid reason. Now there has been one proposal from someone I like and I am happy with but my mother is refusing and when asked why says "just".

My grandmother (my mother's mother) and my mum's sister and uncle have looked into the man and his family and are satisfied with his deen and character and from people that know them we have found out that they are respected and humble practising people and the boy is of good character and practising masha'allah. I am very happy with this and would like to go ahead and the rest of my family are also happy but my mum just wont let me get married and won't let me even speak about it and doesn't have any valid reason to say.

I don't know what to do in this situation as I only have my mother as my guardian as my father didn't keep in touch since he left and my brother is only 20 and unfortunately got into the wrong crowd and not at home. My mum doesn't have any brothers either, only sisters. My mother unfortunately does not prioritise deen and I know that either she will not want me to marry for years or the people she may eventually consider will not be based first and foremostly on deen which is what I want.

I don't know what to do in this situation as I would like to marry this person and all the rest of my family are happy with the proposal. I would appreciate your guidance on this matter