
The mother of a zakaatable family inheriting a large some of money

Q: A family was eligible for zakaat. The mother in this family just inherited a fairly large sum of money from a deceased relative. However, she says that she wants to keep this sum of money for herself and does not want to spend it on her family. Are the father and the children in this family still eligible to receive zakaat?

Inheritance in the case of divorce

Q: Husband (h) is married to first wife (A). H married second wife (B) in 1988. H becomes ill in 2002, hospitalised and critical. H sent (one) Talaaq Bain by hand to B on account of medical condition, but remains married to A. Reason is pressure brought to him by A to divorce B. H recovers in 3 month period and obtains a ruling that marriage valid. He is remorseful for his conduct and continues with marriage to B. H lives with A, but continues to visit B and maintains her. H gets ill again and dies. A and B sit in iddat. Is B (second wife) entitled to share in inheritance and entitled to maintenance from H (deceased estate)? In the above situation, is the marriage of husband to wife B still valid. If not, please explain why. If the marriage is valid, is wife B entitled to her share of inheritance?

Making a bequest for zakaat to be discharged and interest to be disposed off

Q: In the last will and testament of the deceased, it is instructed that the whole balance on one of the bank accounts of the deceased be deemed undischarged Zakaat and the whole balance on another bank account be deemed interest received and the two balances be disposed with in accordance with Shariah. Would the deceased’s instructions be tantamount to a bequest and consequently can only be limited to one-third of the gross value of the estate and, if so, what, if the total of the two balances and other bequests made exceed one-third? Please clarify.

Paying fidyah for the missed Salaahs and Fasts of the deceased

Q: We Sunni-hanafi, wish to pay as fidya for Qadha namaaz and roza for my mother and father, but I do not know how much they had qaza. I always found them Pious and humble, praying and careful about Namaaz and Rowza, except during last days of illness. What is the Islamic ruling for this? How can I calculate days and amount how to spend? Bearing expenses of a student heading towards hafiz e quran or Alim e deen, or donation for construction of Mosque considered as Sadaqa-e-jaria for my parents? What are other ways for this intention. Request for prayers for my parents to get best place in Jannat and Magfirat.


Q: I want to know the ratio of legal heirs of the deceased. The heirs are mentioned below:

widow - 1

daughter - 4

brother - 1

sister - 1

nephews (brother's sons) - 3


Q: I want to know the ratio of distribution of shares of the deceased to their legal heirs, the details of heirs are below:

4 - sons

4 - daughters