
Settling debts and funeral expenses before winding up the estate


1. If a person passes away and he has a debt of R1000 and his total savings are R1500, should the debt be paid off first eventhough it's more than 1/3 of his wealth and then R500 that remains be divided into 3 portions and fulfill the will from the 1/3 of R500? 

2. And when paying for the funeral expenses, if it totals R100 for instance, will the R100 be deducted from 1/3 of his wealth or will it be paid first and then his savings be divided?.

In-laws depriving daughter in law of her share of the inheritance

Q: I am a widow and mom of very small twins boys. My husband died almost 3 years before. My husband was elder son and all his life he worked for his parents and brother and sister. Now my in laws have good life. But after my husbands death they always accused me and hurt me with backbiting. But still I kept relationships with them. Almost 2 years before they started accusing me for the death of my husband and they started saying that I am responsible for my husbands death. But it is not true. My husband died with cancer and his own family has multiple history of cancer.

My husband was treated a very famous hospital but he died after a few months and my in laws are holding all our properties and they even didn't pay for my husbands debt. I am a widow and stay at home mom because my boys are very young. I do all work for them . My in-laws don't help me but they hurt me. I paid all my husbands loan because I know otherwise he can't make it to paradise.

My husband was very good Muslim and person. I love him a lot. He was happy with me and me also happy with him and my husband did every single responsibility for my husband family but now they forgot everything. They hurt me very aggressive way . They didn't give me a single penny for us but my husband all properties they are keeping for themselves and they even don't feel any bad to keeps my husband properties.

I work very hard to raise my boys as a single mom and it is very painful because as a young mother I don't have any support. My parents also died .

My question is .. my in law very aggressive to me and they hurt me very painful way and it is a lots of painful for me to handle this pain . Now I try to stay keep myself away from them to heal my pain..,what Islam say because they holding my orphans property and hurting me very ugly way . I told them to return my properties and after returning our properties if they want to keep relationship with me I am ok with relationship with my boys blood family...what does Islam say .i mcan't handle my pain the way they hurt me and they are not interested to return my properties. I am a woman. So tell me where is my mistakes . I do practice a good Muslim religion.

Please advice me if they don't help me can I keep myself distance because my sisters in law very hurt to me and I am scared about their rudeness and abusing talk .somethimes i talk to my late husband some relatives who are nice to me because i know kins relationship is important .Advice me what should i do.


Q: I have a question pertaining to inheritance. My father has no sons, no living parents, a living wife and living three daughters. What is the distribution? In addition, does my father's one living brother or 6 living sisters inherit as well?

Property distribution

Q: Property worth Rs 3150000/- INR has been sold by my dad. And now wants to distribute same among the family. Family includes Father, 1 Son and 2 daughters. Property to be distributed among 4 members. Please advise how much amount will be alloted to each one as per sharia law. 

Estate distribution

Q: My grandmother (fathers mother) passed away two weeks ago at age 86. May Allah grant her Jannatul Firdous. Aameen

With regards to the inheritance, she had made verbal bequests and had not made a written will. During her lifetime she had gifted her daughter her “share” of what was due i.e. money and jewellery and other items. She had continually mentioned to all the family members that she had given those items and the remainder of her possessions will stay in the house and is for my father. (She was a widow and lived with my parents). Subsequent to the death, my aunt is now wanting to claim other items. Please advise how we should handle the situation. Should we now distribute all the items the shariah way. They are just 2 siblings, one brother and one sister.

Distribution of the estate

Q: Could you please advise on the following situation.

A disabled widow passed away recently. She had 3 sons, 1 of which is deceased (has 1 son). During her life she had disowned both her living sons who caused her alot of grief due to their bad habits (drugs, gambling and fraud), which resulted in them stealing from her and being abusive towards her. One son is behind bars and the other is in the city but we are not familiar with his whereabouts. She had only 1 sibling, a sister and her family who saw to all her needs. We now need to sort out her estate but the will that she originally made was amended but is nowhere to be found at this point in time. In the amended will she had left 1/3 of her estate to her grandson (from her deceased son).

Please advise on how her estate should be divided.

1. The will

2. The house which is part of the deceased mother's trust and from which the deceased was receiving a monthly income.

3. Sorting/distribution of her personal belongings.


Q: My mother died 3 years ago. She had some property in her name. We recently sold it. Now I needed to know, how we divide the money according to Islamic rules. We are 4 people left 2 daughters (my sisters) 1 son (me) Husband (my father).